Eyes watering constantly on Ibrance and letrozole

I’m on my third cycle of Capecitabine and I’m having eye problems, sounds weird but they feel really dry tired but they are also watery too plus I have bags under my eyes you could carry your shopping home in! I’ve bought some hypromellose today to see if these help.

J x

  • I had same issue with eyes sore and streaming last year after about 3months on treatment phoned g.p but was told to go to optician had gor drops from boots 2days previously which made it worse. Optician said like previous post some eye drops with preservative can make it worse got vit A eye cream on her recommendation preservative free it helped. Mentioned it to oncologist who said dry eyes is a little known side effect but I find it’s more than dry eyes its painful too bought more its about £8  online hycosan eye cream . On palbo and letrosole which is working been on it for 2and a half years and scan shows things stable in lungs spine and pelvis so eyes are sore at times but worth it . Liz

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