fear of recurrence after mastectomy

fear of recurrence after mastectomy

fear of recurrence after mastectomy Stats
diagnosed 8/2004 age 32
Right breast
stage IIB IDC
tumor 5cm
Grade 3
bloom richardson 9
lymphovascular invasion present
her 2 neg
triple neg
ki-67 proliferation marker at 97%

had lumpectomy 8/2004 followed by chemo and 35 radiations. Had Bilateral-mastectomy 12/05. Tram flap reconstruction 3/06. found lump in 09/2006 on mastectomy scar line…Dr not concerned sent me for pet scan where they found high metabolic uptake in lymphnode but due to it was subcentimeter dr not concerned again… well went to Dr last week 2/7/07 my lump has tripled in size advised he wants this to be removed…sent me for mammogram and ultrasound on friday 2/9/07…tech would not say anything…just trying to get feel from her…she would not comment…But in addition to the lump in my LEFT breast on the scar she found a large cyst in my axilla…she advised it was not simple? That it looked like it had some hypoechoic activity??? So not sure what to think…still haven’t heard of any results.,…any comments or suspicions…I just want to know if anyone else has gone through something similiar…I have 3 children ages 4, 7, and 8 and I really don’t want them to have to go thru this again…

Thanks… Tracey

Hello Tracy Welcome - I assume your’re from the US given the detail of your BC history and dating format?
Did you have a cancer in your left breast as well , or was that a prophylatic mastectomy? -
I’m not sure i can help much, but there will be other ladies on here who can I should think. I have a lump just above my scar line-which is hard. Each time I ask the surgeon about it he says “commesurate with surgery”, and onc says “mmm, I see what you mean”, but neither have suggested it needs further investigation.Do you know when you will have your results?
Hope they’re nothing to worry about.

Helpline Hi Tracey

Welcome to the forums I’m sure you will recieve lots of support from other users.
You sound like you are having a really tough time waiting for your results, perhaps it would help you if you contacted our free phone helpline on 0808 800 6000 where you can talk to someone in confidence about how you are feeling at the moment.

Everyone on our helpline either has experience of breast cancer or is a breast care nurse. The team is able to talk about both technical and emotional issues surrounding breast cancer and breast health and
callers get to talk to someone who has an understanding of the issues they’re facing.

I hope this is of help.

Kind regards
Bcc Host

JARGON I would prefer it if medical staff explained what they were finding or kept quiet, and did not use terms which mean nothing to the average patient.

I always remember that oncologist means a lump doctor. It makes me feel better.

the problem is you feel inadequate and anxious and can’t then get up the courage to ask what they are on about.

I’d bring a friend with you and make sure they ask if you can’t
