February Valentines

chascat, thanks for the warning re after treatment. My other RA drug is Leflunomide, nobody has said I will have to come off that as it doesn’t affect immunity, so if I can continue with it, it might help afterwards.

pg xxx

Hi Daisy,
I can only echo what the others have said. It’s not as bad as you imagine it will be.
I kept a journal during my chemo and have posted about my experience and practical tips here: C is for… Chemo Shmemo | Chemo For Beginners - an A to Z of all things "C"
You are at the very worst point - scared, unsure, worried - but once the first one is done the fear of the unknown is gone and you start feeling less scared and more in control.
I hope it all goes well.

PS Maybe start a group for othera starting chemo in Feb to join in so you can all share your fears and draw strength and support from one another.

I was really worried about starting chemo, but I must say for me it hasnt been as bad as I thought. I found it hard loosing my hair but hay ive got use to even that! The staff have been kind and supportive. I have my bloods done the day before then go really early the next day so it cuts down on he time im there. I take someone with me for suport and for company and she is allowed in with me. I had a problem with nausea and I found some of the tablets made me feel more sick but they have since given me a tablet an hour before chemo starts and then for the next few days and it seems to be loads better. I must say I cant wait until all this is over but for me it really hasnt been as bad as I thought - honest. Hope u go on ok take care Hannah

Sandy toes , love this journal especially the hairloss bit & photo of Jo who is so pretty just gave me reassurance that losing my hair is traumatic but doable x


Felt sure I posted this earlier! Oh well, here goes. I read your chemo for beginners, and found it really helpful and reassuring. Thanks for the link.
pg xx

PG youre not going mad I read your post somewhere lol ! X

Please can I join your February gang?
I wondered if anyone else is doing 8 cycles of fec-t? 4xfec and 4xt?
As much as I’m sure my Oncologist knows what he is doing, I’m somewhat bitter to be doing 8 cycles over 6 months, when most ladies have 6 cycles?
For those ladies that have done 8, how do you feel at the end of it? Other than having BC I’m fit and healthy, aged 39yrs, and really hoping that the next 6 months don’t knock me around too much.
I’m due to start on 30th January although they have said it may be this Wednesday if they have any cancellations.
For info, I had a grade 3 IDC, 4.5cm tumour, and two lymph nodes involved. So had wle and full clearance. ER+, PR+ and HER2+.

Hi Debbie , I’m Karen 41 , grade 3 ER+, 1.2cm & 1 node , had WLE & ANC on 28th Dec & due to see ONC onThursday but think I’m only getting 6 sessions not sure what of yet ! Sorry you have to go through 8 I just want mine over & done with ! There is a Feb thread , "starting chemo in Feb " unfortunately there are a few of us although that means lots of support & help x

We appear to have 2 Starting Chemo in February threads. I think that is what’s causing the confusion. Could the Mods maybe merge the 2 threads and chanage the topic title to the February Valentines so we can all find it?
Thank you
Funki x

Hi Funki

I have changed the title of the thread as you have requested, not sure how to merge them so will pass this on to tech team

Best wishes


Dear All

In response to a request to merge this and another thread about starting chemo in Februay, this thread will now be closed. Please follow this link to the newly name Starting Chemo in February: February Valentines thread. It has not been possible to actually merge the two threads but this seems to be the best solution for everyone to find and share the support.


with all best wishes
