Feel Like Shouting At People.....

Hi Picasso
Think you are referring to my earlier post.
Apologies for offending you, maybe my post came over a little stronger than I intended.
Best Wishes

hello ladies
just wanted to say thanks I’m glad I haven’t upset anyone. This site is very important to me. We all have so much in common and although my family and close friends have been fantastic so far I still feel this is the only place I can come and really be myself.
Been having a few emotional problems lately, crying at the drop of a hat. Then I take a big deep breath and do my best to get on with life.
Anyway thanks again
Binner xx

Hello, re sunbathing, vitamin D from the sun is good for fighting cancer. You must be careful tho and sunbathe gently, not in the full heat of the day and not to burn. So enjoy your sunbathing when all Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy is over only in moderation.