Feeling anxious.

Hi, I’m doing the worst & hopefully helpful thing by looking for advice online today. Yesterday I finally saw my gp about issues I’d put on the back burner for two years. Unfortunately my emotional health had been bad, I had a breakdown. Now I’m in such a positive, happy place I knew I had to address the physical issue. My breast has been achy, stabing pains & for a few months also my arm pit, which is dimpled & so itchy. The GP found thickening & lumps. She asked where I was in my cycle. I had a hysterectomy a year & a half ago. I was okay yesterday after she explained her concerns & sent urgent referal. But today I feel sick. My mind is racing no matter what I do to try to stop it. After coming through depression & anxieties through counselling & a very bleak time I’m so scared that all the joy that’s returned will be snatched away. Trying not to imagine telling my beautiful daughters, amazing husband & friends that another difficult journey is waiting, but fearing the worst as I’ve left this so long & try as I might I can’t think what else it could be. I am a positive person & quite good at dealing with stuff. It’s this wait until my appointment that is concerning me. Anyone out there who can give me some advice? It would be greatly appreciated!

Hi Gina, This is a horrible time while you wait on an appointment and your mind is naturally going to race and imagine all sorts , usually worst case scenarios which is all norma!  You have dealt with an awful lot over the past few years and you will find the strength to deal with this too. it’s so hard to know if your symptoms are anything to worry about and your doing the right thing getting yourself checked out, hopefully you won’t have to wait too long, I had an urgent referal on a Friday and the click rang me on the Monday to book an appointment for the Thursday, try not to google although I know it’s impossible not to but you will just tie yourself up in knots! Keeping busy even if your just going through the motions helps pass the time a bit quicker and if you’ve not already done so tell your husband what’s going on, you need the support right now, it’s not a time to try and brave it out on your own, always someone here to talk Xx Jo 

Thanks so much joeby68, it is a comfort being able to reach out to others going through similar concerns & I wish you a good & positive outcome! I just had a day of dwelling. We had a couple meal planned & I was close to canceling. Thankfully I didn’t, it proved to be an excellent distraction & showed that I just need to escape when I need to & while I wait. Thanks so very much! My very, very best wishes to you! ?

I wish I could offer advice but I’m at the same waiting stage as you. You’re not alone, I keep thinking how can I tell my 13yo if there’s something wrong? We are each other’s world, good luck x

Hi shellymac, I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through worries too & agree, the thought of explaining a bad outcome is awful. My youngest daughter is 15, in her exams year & full of zest. My eldest daughter is 23 & picked up on things, she pushed & I felt I needed to be honest. She is very concerned, even though I try to be as light hearted as I can. She’s in her final year at uni & I just want things to go back to normal! It’s hard to hide my shoulder & arm pain. Using it has become hard & it emphasis the issue. I’m not only afraid of results, but I fear I’ve left things to spread. I go for tests nxt week. Wishing you a positive outcome & all the very best! Thinking of you! Xx