Feeling confused and alone

Hello, This is my first post on the forum even though I have been reading your posts for a few weeks.


I had my mammogram on 4th September 13, I was called to the breast clinic on 30th September where I was told that they had found a lump that was cancer and I needed a biopsy and scan which was done there and then.

On 2nd October I had an appointment to see a cardiologist about my blood pressure which has been high for years. He was planning to do a procedure that is still in the trial period to bring my blood pressure down. When he asked me about my general health and I told him that I had just been diagnosed with breast cancer he said that had to take priority and wished me good luck.


On the 22nd October I went to see the breast surgeon who told me that the lump was grade 2 ER positive and they needed to operate. I was offered a mastectomy or wide local excision plus sentinel lymph node biopsy. They told me that they could operate on 7th November, at this point I told her about my blood pressure and what the cardiologist had told me and she just turned and said, sorry I won;t operate till your blood pressure is sorted out. She started me on Letrozole 2.5 mg.


Since this time I have been told that they have run out of funding for this procedure and that the cardiologist has left the trust.  I an left with no more appointments to see the breast team and I am feeling confused by the whole experience. 


Has anyone been in this position or have any advice for me please.


Thank You

Chris x

Sorry you have been left in limbo like this.  Have you spoken to the nurse? Or maybe your GO will be able to advise if the medicine you have been given is going to sort your blood pressure enough for the operation.  I would have thought they would be keen to get you operated on as soon as possible.


Hi chrissay

Welcome to the forum where I hope you will find support from fellow members.  I’m sorry you are left in such limbo.

It might help to talk this over with one of our helpliners.  They will be able to offer you practical information and emotional support.  They will be open at 9.00.  (9-5 weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays).  The number is 0808 800 6000.

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Hi Chrissy I would speak to your Breastcare nurse asap. I have high BP which is controlled with medication on a daily basis.  I was diagnoised with BC in August had a lumpectomy and SLNB end

Of August and my high BP was not a problem because it wad controlled. Chase them up you need answers my lovely. Good luck Annxx

Hi Chris,


Sounds to me like there has been a breakdown in communication.  I would as a first point of contact try to speak to your BCN.

My situation was I have taken blood pressure tabs for about 20 years since I was in my 20s.  Always been controlled never a problem.

When I was dx in 2010 this didn’t impact on my treatment whatsoever, they weren’t concerned at all.  I have 8 chemo (AC and Taxol), followed by WLE and sentinel node, followed by rads and 12 of Herceptin.  I just carried on taking my BP tabs throughout. 

The only problem I had was when I was half way through Herceptin my heart pump thing went down which can happen so I saw a cardiologist who added another tablet which I took and then continued with the Herceptin.

When all treatment was finished I just then went back to taking my BP tabs.

I would have thought unless your BP is sky high and uncontrolled that surgery and other treatment wouldn’t be a problem.

Hope this helps.


Hi Chrissy, I just wonder if it might be worthwhile seeing your GP to ask if the combination of 4 tabs you are taking for your high bp is the best mix, especially if you have been taking same tabs for long time.
My only experience of high bp is through my hubby, he is on two diff tabs a day, but it took a few attempts for our GP to find the best combination of meds for him, and GP reviews that regularly as well. Just a thought :slight_smile: and yes, I agree with the other ladies about speaking to your bc nurse about this situation. You should not be left in limbo like this. Good luck x

Dear Chris, I don’t know what to say.  It sounds very bizarre.  I know that all hospitals have a timeline for surgery/treatment.  At mine it is 31 days.

Maybe you should contact your GP and ask them to take this forward for you.  You definately need an advocate.

Do keep talking and dont isolate yourself.  Lots of love Frances XX

Hiya just to update you on my previous post,

I have taken all your advice, spoke to BC nurse and GP.


The BC nurse assures me that Letrozole is one of the best treatments I could have till they get my blood pressure down. I told her that I was concerned that I may have cancer else where and she told me if I had the Letrozole would work all over the body and shrink any tumors.


My GP has contacted the cardiologist and they decided to put me on betta blockers. and arranged for me to have a 24 hour blood pressure monitor fitted in 10 days time. Not sure why but they also want a 24 hour urine sample. 


As for the  breast cancer nothing has happened, just carrying on with the Letrozole.


Thanks for your time ladies


Chris x