Feeling confused!!!!

Hi everyone,
I’m hoping someone can give me some advice! Just had appointment because of a left breast lump and discomfort in armpit and shoulder.
Had mammogram and ultrasound. Have been reassured that the lump is just breast tissue but they took biopsies from my lymph nodes in my armpit. They said although they didn’t look abnormal the walls were thickened?? I’m back again on Friday but feel very confused - does that mean it may be cancerous? Can you have cancerous lymph nodes but no cancerous breast lumps? Friday seems a long way away!! Any advice? Thanks.

Hi Jane73

I dont know if this helps or not but they said that to me too about the walls of lymph being thickened. I had ultrasound of the of lymph nodes and sample taken which worried me.

I was dx with BC and had lump removed and first few nodes removed as a precaution BUT no cancer was found in the nodes at first diagnosis and after surgery so i dont think the thickening of the walls alone necessarily mean cancer.

Fingers crossed for you xx