Feeling low - acid reflux & now got to have tests

Question about gastroscopy - those who have had one, did you have stop your omeprazole or lanzoprazole beforehand?
I’ve read that some hospitals ask you to stop for one to two weeks before.
My GP suggested I stopped and just try domperidone but have tried today and been unwell all day, and have been sick.
Elinda x

I was dx in June 2008, I had 6 rounds of taxotere, then a mx, followed by 5 weeks of radiotherapy and finished a year of herceptin in July 2009.

I developed a nasty cough around Mar/April 09 which they thought was related to the herceptin. But, the cough continued and got worse and was especially worse at night. Eventually in Oct last year I was sent for a CT scan of my lungs, thank goodness nothing was found except some slight damage caused by rads.

I was given treatment for reflux, 2 different types of tablets each day and after a couple of weeks the cough had almost gone. I’ve been on them since until about a week ago when I thought I would give it a try to stop them.

The reflux has come back though, although I’m not coughing like before I get the awful acid saliva and a sore throat from it so I’ve put myself back on the tablets - its a small price to pay to feel more comfortable.

Good luck with it everyone, it is horrible.

Hi Elinda, I cant remember if I had to stop the lanzoprazle, why don’t you ring the hospital department were your going and ask them. I cant miss one of my lanzoprazles or I am awful, I had a bout were I kept forgetting to take them in a morning, and my friend from Weston Super Mare use to text me every morning to remind me lol
Well I had another night up on Monday night, spent all night propped up on the couch, but last night I slept till 4 30am, that is good for me though I always wake early. So I have my fingers crossed I get to bed tonight, hope you are feeling better elinda.
Well I hope all of you are feeling ok, and not to much acid.
Take care,

Hi Elinda, sorry to hear about your acid reflux, what a nightmare on top of everything else!!! My guess is that you have gall stones. I learnt that gall bladder stones and problems are associated with breast cancer, apparently they tend to go hand in hand, if only i’d known this 18 months ago. I had some gall-stones removed via key hole surgery in Feb 09, discovered my breast cancer end of June 09. My advice to any woman who has heart burn, acid reflux etc… is to go and have a mamogram or US just to rule out breast cancer.
Hope all pans out well for you.
Big hugs

Thanks Heather and Stella

Had a horrendous day yesterday and ended up being sick but feeling a bit better today. My surgeon says to stay on the omeprazole and domperidone prior to the gastroscopy on Tues. I’m a bit worried about it though as I know lots of depts say to stop as it can heal any ulcers. He seems fairly certain its a hiatus hernia, not sure why. He did seem that my being 46 was getting to the age when these things happen and he didn’t say anything but i am also 2 stone overweight.

The acid has caused two spots of decay on the side of my teeth within the space of 3 weeks. Luckily I spotted both straight away and my dentist has filled. Seems odd but makes logical sense I suppose.

Elinda x

Hi Ladies,
Stella, l was interested in what you have written, as l started having acid reflux, probably about last Novemember, l was just buying over the counter remedies at first, but it got no better, so the doctor gave me Omeprazole 20mg, and said if it didn’t work he would send me for some tests. Then in January, l was called back after having a mammogram, and was diagnosed with bc in February!
I am still taking Omeprazole, l don’t feel sick anymore, but l have a burning taste in my mouth, she said l can go for more tests when things settle down with bc, having a mx next week!
She was sure it wasn’t related! but l have never had acid reflux before.
Does the 40mg a day help with the soreness and acid taste in the mouth? never goes away?
Sandra xxx

Hi Elinda it might be like Stella says and you have gall stones. I have gall stones, they told me about them when I went for a test for something else, cant remember what test though. This was before I was diagnosed with BC, I went to see a consultant but he didn’t want to take my gall bladder out unless I had a lot of pain. Then I was diagnosed with BC and everything else took a back seat. I hope they sort things out for you on Tuesday, I keep saying I am going to have to go back to the docs again with this acid.It is awful and it does burn so much, when it comes on I am sucking mints drinking water, anything to get rid of the taste of the acid at the back of my throat.
Anyway hope you have a better day tomorrow, will soon be Tuesday :slight_smile:
Take care
Heather xx