Feeling overwhelmed


i was diagnosed just over a week ago with a secondary brain tumour, after having battled breast cancer during 2018.

plan at the moment is for surgery in a couple of weeks time to try and remove that tumour.

at the moment feeling very numb and emotionally in limbo. Any advice on how to handle these next few weeks. Scared for the future and the operation, but relieved that surgery  is even an option. Feeling surrounded by love, but very very alone.

Hi Lorna, very difficult to be diagnosed with mets after thinking you’ve won the primary battle. My heart goes out to you. You know that you are not alone when you are on this site, and I am very pleased you have found us.  I was diagnosed with primary BC in February 2017, then mets were discovered in my lungs in October when I was having rads. Hard to get your head around it, isn’t it? I have a few friends at my local Maggies Centre who have brain mets and are currently doing well with treatments. These vary from surgery, radiotherapy and targeted meds. Modern medicine is wonderful isn’t it, so much research producing such invaluable treatments for us. I relied heavily, and still do, on my Maggies Centre. They offered me sleep workshops, mindfulness sessions, psychological support and TaiChi and Pilates. All of these gave me tips and ideas to manage my fear and concerns. Although times are so different at the moment, I wonder if it’s possible for you to tap into these holistic therapies virtually? If you are near a Maggies Centre, a Macmillan Centre or here, then there are nurses who you can speak to confidentially by phone. If you have not already done so then I suggest you alert your GP to your current situation and be quite blunt about what can be offered by them. In the meantime , stay busy, stay safe and please keep in touch. You are not alone. There are many on here living with, not dying from, secondary breast cancer. Hugs. X

Dear LornaS,

I hope all wil be well.

Angel Eyes x

Dear @LornaS

I’m sending you lots of love on behalf of everyone at Breast Cancer Now.

It’s good to read you are surrounded by love - please remember if you ever need to chat to someone on our team, we are just a phone call (freephone 0808 800 6000) or an email away.

Sending our warmest wishes
