
Hi Has anyone else having problems getting hold of Femera? Boots are out of stock & Asda say they have only 18 tablets. I have been without tablets for over a week now, is there a distribution problem and what should I do?


Hi Jenny,

I’m on tamoxifen rather than femara so can’t answer the supply question, but have you spoken to your GP and/or hospital and bcn? If there is a local problem they may be able to dispense from the hospital pharmacy.


Hi there,
I was dispensed with my first `script 10 days ago and my G.P. was most reluctant to prescribe them even with a letter fom consultant.
She only gave me 28 days supply in the end,made me think it was a
cost thing,if all chemists have none,surely hospital pharmacy will sort you out, good luck, love Mags

there was a thread some time ago about distribution problems with Femara in certain areas. I can’t remember the title but some people wwere having difficulty in getting hold of it.
I had difficulty at the beginning as my local chemist didn’t keep it in stock but once they knew I would be coming every month for more(bit like Oliver Twist)I’ve had no problems. I use a local independent chemist so it feels more personal and they now keep it in stok for me. Not sure about the cost but somewhere in the back of my mind I think I did read that it was more expensive than other AI’s

Best Wishes


I had trouble getting my Femara, didn’t help that my surgery lost my perscription and I normally get it from my surgery but as they couldn’t get it we had to go to Boots - what a pain, we have enough to worry about within worrying about actually getting the drugs.


I havent taken it for 7 weeks due to unavailibility from pharmacy,ive rang my oncologist for advice today for the 3rd time witing for a reply… hmm

by the way i had only been on it sinmce last july due to oophrectomy, but feel much better off it!! no joint stiffness and more energy…


Femera costs the same as Arimidex - about £60-70 per calendar pack.

Your Doctor can prescribe you with 3 months at a time according to PCT guidelines. I would advise you all to try and get a large amount prescribed and get your requests in to your GP a couple of weeks earlier than needed so the chemist can get the drugs in.

Smaller pharmacies are usually a better bet as they are more hungry for the business - and believe me - they are making a packet from us!

I am due to move on to this drug in September following my oophin July, so would be interested to hear your comparisions with tamox.

Hi pheebster,
i was on tamoxifen for 15 months before my opphrectomy, (also on herceptin), and was tired but OK…For first 6 months after oophrect and Femera, i was awful…hot flushes, exhaustion, joint pain,very hard to get down stairs in the morning!..Since i havent had Femaera for 7 weeks, i feel much better…but…
was it a coincidence re timings? Where my “side effects” due to menopause or femera??
Anyway, im going to see onc next week…

Good luck,
