Fiancée had biopsy Friday, scared & waiting results

Sorry to hear about your having to cancel your honeymoon, but glad you two are still going ahead, with your wedding. I know its not the same thing as a honeymoon, but I lost my holiday because I was diagnosed 3 weeks before departure date. I also lost alot of money, that will teach me not to leave travel insurance to the last minute. :-(. Anyways I am no scientist, but I know intermediate is grade 2, my IDC tumour was grade 3 but that’s been taken out now. The first weeks from finding a lump and having tests and , waiting for more tests have been the worse part of the journey so far. It is an emotional roller coaster, and I still have good days and bad days, probably because I’m impatient, want every thing done right away, and want to be in control, when I have to rely on decisions of the multi-disciplinary team at the hospital!

Hi Art
Just been reading your thread and I thought I would pop in to say I am a year down the line and feeling great. I too had IDC Grade 2 but had the surgery before the chemo and rads. Your lives will change forever after a cancer diagnosis as you will see things so differently and much more clearly. Plan your honeymoon for next year as this gives you a goal and you will want a holiday after the treatment is done. I believe that your honeymoon will have even more meaning next year, in many different ways, as over the next 12 months you will really get to know one another more than you ever thought you would. Be there for her whatever she says, screams, shouts, cries and do talk to your friends or the helplines as my husband struggled not having anyone to listen to his worries.
You will both get through it, just hold on tight!!

Met with oncologist today. Tumor is grade 2, estrogen + progesterone + HER2 -.
Mri Chest tomorrow lymph node biopsy Monday. We wait for those tests then meet with oncologist 8/27 for treatment plan.

what is normal lag between Dx & first treatment.
official Dx was 8/2, our next oncologist meeting is 8/27 where they will tell us the treatment plan. Likely chemo then surgery. How soon would chemo start

she will be a September something, so better get in there and be first to think of a tag…

she will be a September something, so better get in there and be first to think of a tag…


Wtheirs there are the June Jewels, July Junkies, August…get it

Hello to you both
I had a larger cancer 3cm x 2.5cm, er+'ve, and 8 months of letrozole to shrink it before lumpectomy. It worked wonderfully!!! Now 3 years have passed, and I am fit and healthy and loving life again.
It is a tough journey, emotionally more than physically (for me anyway) cos I did not need chemo just rads.
As everyone else has said, once you know the treatment plan it gets easier to handle cos you know what you are facing and can plan your future activities to work round it.
You are being an absolute rock for your fiance and she obviously appreciates that tremendously. Keep talking and sharing and you WILL get throughout it.
Much love to you both

Dear Art123,
Hope all goes well with the treatment plan. I found the whole thing a lot easier to deal with once I knew what we were all doing with the treatment plan. Have a wonderful wedding, plan your new honeymoon together as something to look forward to.



Hi Art, I have read these posts and followed what you have gone through over the last weeks. All horribly familiar and I’m very aware about the huge impact cancer has on carers. My husband has been amazing- dont knoew how I could have possibly managed without him. He was totally shaken by my diagnosis- terrified, devastated…He found a book on Amazon called “Breast cencer husband” which he found incredibly helpful.
Anyway I wish you both all the very best for the upcoming months