Im 19 years old and about a year ago I found a lump in my breast they enitialy thought it was a sist because it caused me pain but after a fine needle aspiration they told me it was a fibroadenoma. I went for an ultrasound and desided not to get it removed but a few month later it caused me to much pain and I went for another ultrasound they told me it had grew and that the pain is abnormal so I desied to take it out.
My surgery is sceduled in 3 weeks and I have no idea what to exspect. Can anyone give me some advice on what I can do at home to help my recovery and what to exspect after urgery…also what type of bra should I wear after the operation??
Hi Natashja
Welcome to the BCC discussion forums where I am sure you will get lots of good, honest support from the many informed users of this site.
I have put for you below links to 2 of BCC’s publications you might find helpful. Also, if you want to talk to someone in person and in confidence then please don’t hesitate to call our helpline, the staff there are here to support you through this. Calls are free 0808 800 6000 lines open weekdays 9-5 and Saturdays 10-2.
Take care,
Jo, Moderator