It is 13 months since my diagnosis and Monday i have my first appt to have my reconstruction it seems a long road. My whole right breast has been taken away and the lymph nodes were also taken it has left me with a very awkward shape. Is it unusual for me to be nervous and on the other hand hoping they can restore me to my former self or am i setting myself up for a huge disappointment. Has anybody else felt like this or anybody had this type of reconstruction give me any advice. Yvonne
Hi Yvonne
I had a mastectomy 5 years ago and had reconstruction done at the same time, I was one of the fortunate ones that didn’t need chemo/radiotherapy so my surgeons were able to do it together. things have really improved and i was more than happy with the work the plastic surgeon performed. after about 6 months i had a nipple tatooed on my ‘new breast’ to make it look the same as the other side, just have faith in your surgeon what seems daunting to us is every day for these amazing teams of surgeons, good luck
Hi Yvonne
I had partial mastectomy on both sides in 1998 when I was 39 and had my reconstruction about a year later. My new boobs were amazing!! I used to get so many comments about them (even from women!) Better than the originals LOL I had silicone implants. Things have improved dramatically technique wise since then!
Unfortunately 18 months ago I had another breast cancer appear (I found out about 2 years ago I am BRCA2 positive and was going down the path to get them both removed anyway) so had to have a total mastectomy on my right breast, my surgeon managed to keep my implant in tho. I have an appt with the plastic surgeon in June to see what can be done for me as I intend to have my left breast removed asap now. I wish I had had the insight to get this done in 1998!! I have also had my ovaries removed as I was high risk ovarian cancer with this gene.
Anyway stay positive I was so excited going down for my reconstruction surgery and I wasn’t disappointed. I was so happy to feel normal again and showed my new boobs to the whole ward! I am hoping I can feel that way again soon.
Good luck
Lisa x x x
Thank you Jill still nervous and my head is spinning with the different types of surgery hopefully i will ask the right questions xx
Good luck with your appointment vonz and asking all the right questions ! It’s daunting but amazing what can be done. I am not at reconstruction stage yet. I have to put my name on waiting list in August for possible recon December. Although not looking forward to more surgery, will be nice to have it done. Let us know how you get on. X
Ask your surgeon for some before and after photo’s they certainly took some of me, and it does give you confidence in their ability.
good luck
I had a mastectomy in Dec 2006, followed 8 Epi/CMF Chemo in 2007. I had delayed Tram Flap reconstruction in Dec 2010. It was a long 10hr op. Took a good few weeks to get over it. I had an uplift on good side and nipple reconstruction in 2012, followed by tatooing in 2013. (hopefully its all complete now). I dont regret it for one minute. It all worked out really well. I feel better than I did with a prosthesis, but thats just my opinion,every one differs. Feel free to ask any questions you may have. Good Luck with your appt. Its perfectly normal to feel anxious.
Take Care