Hi, I had a mastectomy and radiotherapy (no chemo) 18 months ago and am now at the end of my first chesty cold since then. I’m finding my chest very sore and tight, especially where I had my rads. I saw a nurse last week who said it was a viral infection so antibiotics wouldn’t help and it was just a case of it ‘burning itself out’. The trouble is, I’m going on a long walking holiday in 8 days time and feel anxious that I might not manage it …
Any suggestions for a fast track recovery??? I’m worried it could turn into bronchitis (if it isn’t already bronchial) or that I may find breathing after 10 miles increasingly exhausting and painful. The nurse suggested dosing myself up - but that doesn’t seem ideal either. What a time to get this stupid cold and viral infection - and I’m feeling worried. Anyone else had problems with colds after radiotherapy?
Thanks, Cherry