
Hi Ladies,

Do you need to grind the seeds? I had just been sprinkling them on my cereal straight from the packet. Is this wrong?

Hi i buy my flaxseeds ground on the internet for less than £2.00 a pakcet, just wish i could remember where, i just googled ground flaxseed and it came up with loads of places, i remember it was really cheap i think just over the £1. I sprinkle it on my porridge in the morning and can’t really taste it, my husband sprinkles it on his salad to take to work. I am sure it does not matter if you dont grind them, straight from the packet sounds good to me i think it is just personal taste, i am not a ‘seedy’ person so ground up is not so noticeable for me.


I suspect if you don’t eat flaxseed ground, then it just passes straight through you …

Hi Girls
Thanks for the very interesting data. I went to the healthy living residential course and the dietician from Christies was very vague about weather I could take such things as flaxseed. I will purchase some today!
Love Debbie x

I really don’t see what harm a natural substance such as flaxseed can do. It is full of Omega 3, which has many health benefits.

This is an interesting link:

