for the love of god cried cried and im still crying and it 11.00pm.....

Hug for you lilacmoon. Go back to my post and read again. The one where you said I had read your mind and put it into words. Every day is different every day is sometimes another emotion in one way or another. Every friggin twinge seems to be major where 4 month ago we would just say my flippin back is aching or I have a headache followed by getting old is wonderful and just get on with it. Each day for me is getting better definitely and I am now trying looking at things in a different way. Look back to 6 weeks ago when we finished rads at the same time. I look how far I have come in 6 weeks and think to myself well done you you have come further than you think. I think maybe we need to look how far we have come on this journey and it is still very early days yet. I know with me it didn’t really hit me till I had finished rads and boom it hit me but I am definitely getting better day by day apart from at the min I have a right twinge,ache,pain,sore - one of these but can’t really say what. But it will go I am sure and keep remembering the word on my oncologist “ you will see and feel changes in the boob for near on twelve month. Hmmm only 11 more to go. We will get there that’s for sure. Like you say comingon here reading a few posts makes you see we are definitely not alone. Maybe we need to start a new thread “ those few weeks after rads” or “join us post rads team” because we can sure help others coming to the end and even if we prep just one person for those weeks after then we have done good. Keep strong lilac and take care. Have a good weekend all.

Thanks Ladies xxxxx
I went out and walked about 6 miles today just to clear my head and prove that I’m getting fitter.
Knew there was a pub to head too and made it there for lunch. Started to feel worn out on the way back so once home I had a bath and fell asleep for 2 hours!!!
Lazy Moo ???

Here’s to a chilled weekend before starting back at work fulltime on Monday ???