For the newly diagnosed

Hi ladies,
I just wanted to post some positivity after receiving some fantastic news yesterday.
For those of you that are newly diagnosed its a scarey time and you must feel devastated,I sat in the waiting room yesterday at the breast care centre and there was a lady awaiting results in a right state It took me back to march 09.
I was diagnosed with aggressive Grade 3 invasive ductal carcinoma (three tumours and an area of dcis) i had been misdiagnosed from the previous september and therefore had spread to sentinal node.
I chose to have chemotherapy first due to this and I havent had an easy ride,In fact I have had every side effect in the book thrown at me and been hospitalised 4 times with infections and neutropenic sepsis.
The onc has now stopped my last two cycles of chemo (ive had 10)due to the fact that my bone marrow cant take anymore and the cons now outweigh the pro’s.They dont want to jeopardise my double mastectomy,which they have brought forward.
I went to hospital for a pre surgery meeting yesterday and had to have an ultrasound and mammogram, obviously as you all know this is a scarey time. My results were amazing, the cancer has been ‘obliterated to nothingness’(his words).I am cancer free.
I wanted to share this with you to show you that its not all doom and gloom and if the lady from the hospital is reading this (i heard her say she was waiting for her death wish) please stay positive.
Love to you all that are going through treatment, sharon xxxxxxxxxx


Wow!! that is fantastic news, but no less than what you deserve, particularly after the awful time you have been through!

Julia xx

Thank you so much for posting this smallstar…it makes such a nice change to hear a positive story rather than the usual doom and gloom…gives us all some hope !!!

So happy for you!!! Must make all that treatment and the dark days so worth while now! I can only imagine how happy you must be…yey!!

Sending you a big congratulatory hug and lots of love (((((( ))))) xx

i have been following your postings sharon, and i know you have had a hard time…
i think this is a wonderful post and i am soooo pleased you have the news you so rightly deserve…xxxx