
Hi all x I’m new here x I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on the 23rd December x I’m awaiting a letter for going into hospital in January to get a drain put in? Can any of you lovely ladies give me any of your experiences on this, please? I’m sorry, but it’s a fog at the moment x Scared, sad etc, but positive mental attitude I am using, because I am generally a strong lady x Thank you for any replies xx

Awww hunm feel for you. Think we all went through this stage. this forum has been great to helping me and I am sure other ladies through our treatment, our sadness, our pain. I can’t help with the drain as I didn’t have one but I am sure someone else can xxx

Hi, sending you lots of love too. I had 3 drains post surgery and came home with one which I had for 2 weeks. In hospital I carried them round in a NHS pillow case which meant I had to find something to put them down on when I needed to wash my hands or do anything 2 handed! At home I used one of those fold up shopping bags you can buy almost anywhere these days which I just hung over my arm. There is somewhere online that sells special bags (drain dollies ?) made especially for charity which I probably would have got had I known sooner. Drains are an inconvenience but not painful. Sometimes I tried to walk off without my drain until I felt the ‘tug’!
Good luck! This forum is a great place to be, I always say I wish I’d found it from day 1! Look at the different threads (‘what to take into hospital’ would have been good for me - think that’s where I read about the drain bags) everyone is here to support each other in our journeys :slight_smile: