Full node clearance, is it really that bad?

It was fine. I was went on holiday a week later and was back at work after 2nd week. No problems with movemet or lymphodema. If they find more nodes with cancer, be prepared that you may then need chemo and radiation. Good luck and i wish you a speedy recovery. X

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OMG, individual plucking out? Me too! Thats exactly as I have been imagining it. Your post is really helpful flower5. Thanks for heads up!


Thanks so much x

I had full clearance after one node was positive following an ultrasound sound turned up something suspicious. Operation was fine, low level pain but very manageable.
No problems since although I am careful to not lift with that arm and moisturise.

Before you do the surgery ask them to do the test to measure fluids. Itā€™s called Sozo and is a very useful piece of new tech. You simply put your hands on this machine and it measures the fluid in your body and forms the baseline and then every three months after the surgery you go back to the physio in the hospital and they will see if you have any excess fluid to be able to determine if you have or at risk of lymphoedema.

I am fit and healthy now and scar is very faded 8 months out.

I was also told of a cream that is very effective re scars called Scar ban and a cream called Alhydran.

Very best of luck.

Thank you very much for your message , Iā€™m
Not sure sure we have sozo in the nhs here in UK , Iā€™ve not heard about it , but will ask .

Can I ask did they find any more lymph positive nodes ?

How are you now ?


Hi there,
I would say they do have this on NHS in physio team.
On nodes they didnā€™t find any other positive one which mirrored the mri and ct scans they took. But I was delighted to get rid of them. I had drains too which helps prevent seromas. I followed doctors orders to the letter and did the exercises and all good so far. Had chemo and rads after and finished all now and am on post treatment.
Best of luck!

I asked for Alhydran post radiotherapy and my GP wouldnā€™t prescribe it - so you were lucky to get it,

Alhydran is over the counter. Ps I havenā€™t bought it yet it was the physio who recommended it.

It was the McMillan nurse who recommended it to me. Been using Aquaphor which is good but the GP has prescribed something that looks like a bottle of mayonnaise!!!