I had a brilliant party got a good group and disco raised 2,300 FOR THE LILAC CENTRE they were well pleased they asked me to help them to do a calendar for next year gunna be in the photo shoot wippee cudnt hav done all of this if it wasnt for my family they did all the hard work never thought for one miniute there cud be so much good after so much bad life is good and was well worth the fight

Very well done Elaine.

Best Wishes xx Chris xx

Well done, Elaine. It’s so nice that you’ve found a great way to stick the middle finger up to the disease and raise money for such a worthy cause. On top of that, everyone who went to the party will have had a great evening, so you’ve done good for them too.

Please can I join in on this thread to celebrate some fundraising success? My lovely 14-yr-old daughter has so far raised the amazing sum of £3,577.91 for Cancer Research UK for getting her beautiful hair cut off, and she’s also donating that hair to Little Princess Trust. I’ve been in tears reading the justgiving page, as a lot of the donations have come from people who I know have also had or have breast cancer, and I am totally humbled by everyone’s generosity.

We have also got £163 to give to Breast Cancer Care after a cake sale at school, and we are trying to organise a music gig, but I think that might be a bit of a fail because I’ve had my head up my bum a bit with other things that are going on. But we will probably try a bit later in the year.

One important question - did YOU enjoy the party? If so, even if it had only raised half that it would have been a success, but to have raised so much money is terrific, well done to you and your family for arranging it.

It was the best party ever it was my b/day to so it was a double celebation and well done to your daughter thats brill news not sure how the calendar will work yet but im not bothered its all money for a good cause quite looking forward to it It also gives me something to focus on which is good for my dormant brain at the miniute

Happy birthday Elaine! The calendar sounds like it could be fun, particularly if they get someone to pamper you beforehand to make you look completely delicious. A good treat!

Go tommorow and find out one of my friends is going to shes also had breast cancer so i no it will be fun cant wait for the pamper bit thou