I have no intention of using a TENS machine…it was a real tongue in cheek remark!
I have no intention of using a TENS machine…it was a real tongue in cheek remark!
ive just been referred to a pain clinic as im in a lot of pain and cant tolerate oppiates of any kind ,was wondering what they may have to offer ,did have the use of a tens machine years ago for my arthritus but didnt find it that much help.anyone else been referred ? i would be grateful for any comments as to what they will recomend for me this time …im no longer on chemo ,just painkillers .(very mild ones )lynn
Hello aroma I can’t tolerate opiats either i am on Oxycontin at the moment twice a day (slow release). I also take volsaid slow release.
Plus epilim ( this is for neerve pain). I have also been given oxynorm as a liquid should i need it in between. This was only sorted out for me when I was admitted in to hospital in a lot of pain in my lung and the consultant came from the hospice to sort me out proper pain relief. This has really made a lot of difference to my quality of life. I am also on Taxotere at the moment. Hopefully you should find the pain clinic help should help a lot
Sorry Jane - no offence intended. I just wondered whether I had been misinformed again.
I hope all the people on this thread are getting some help to deal with their pain. Re the use of opiates, I thought it was standard practice to prescribe an anti sickness medication at the beginning of treatment, as nausea is such a common side effect. Often, the nausea with subside in time, and if it doesn’t, the newer drugs like oxycodone can also be tried. I think pain control is an art, and will be achieved in different ways for each individual, using medication and other methods( there’s some quite robust research on the efficacy of accupuncture for nausea and pain now, and I know some physiotherpists use it.] I think everybody with advanced cancer needs direct access to a pain specialist, and is not seem this is happening for everybody. I hope BCC do reply.
Hi all,
Just to let you know the Services Team are going to have a look at this topic at their meeting next week.
Kind regards,
Jo, Facilitator