my mother died of breast cancer and my grandmother had breast cancer. i am 39 years old and have had surgical biopsy which found precancerous conditions such as atypical hyperplasia, loblular, and ductal. i had genetic test done for brac1 and brac2 gene done yesterday and i am waiting on the test results in order to determine what the next step is for me. I am not sure how i will feel with the news of a positive test and i am a little scard. any advice out ther on what others did after finding out they had a positve test or in the stage of the long wait? thanks in advance. wendy
Welcome to the forums, I’m sure someone will be along to support you soon.
In the meantime you may find it useful to contact our free helpline on 0808 800 6000, opening hours are Monday to Friday 9.00 – 5.00 and Saturday 9.00 – 2.00.
Breast Cancer care also do a free publication called Breast Cancer in Families, I have attached a link to this
Best wishes
June, moderator
Wendy. Hope the results are positive, i.e.not what you are expecting. I have a family history of BC, but because my family live abroad, decided not to have gene testing. However my sister had , like you, a lot of pre-cancerous cells and DCIS and decided on a preventative double mastectomy. SHe has not regretted her decision. SHe was back and fro to the hospital every 3 months, had loads of samll ops and dozens of tests, and was constantly worried, so this has given her peace of mind. She still has yearly b/t, but everything is completely NED and of course she did not have to have chemo or rads either. SHe is very samll built and finds it quite easy to get bras and prothesis as with a double mastectomy, there is not too much matching involved.
Good luck and let us know how you get on.
Hi Wendy, I am going to have this test on the 24th of this month. My father had BC 20 years ago but I am the first female in the family to have BC, I am also triple negative. I understand how you feel about waiting for results, I am dreading it. My treatment,chemo and rads finished almost 6 months ago and I am trying to get on with my life but have this to contend with now. I must do it for the sake of my son and daughter but well remember the waiting for results. Did they say how long it would take? Good Luck Brenda
Hi wendy, i had my genetic testing done in april this year and have an appointment with genetic councilor on 25 sep to get my results. I have about 10 members of my family who have had breast cancer but im the first to be tested.I was diagnosed in feb with dcis and had mastectomy in march which they found i had invasive carsinoma as well,ive finished chemo and am hoping to get my life back but have the genetics hanging overme. I will have another mastectomy if iam brac1 or 2 possitive and my daughter who is 20 has also said that she wants a double mastectomy its a big decision to make but having lost my mum and grandma and other family members to breast cancer i think its the right choice. just wish i didnt have to wait so long for the results. juliex
Hi all,
I was tested at the same time as my mum on May 22nd and we were told our results would take at least a year, more likely nearer 18 months. Mum was diagnosed 7 yrs ago, her twin sister 18 yrs ago, her other sister nearly 2 yrs ago and I was diagnosed July 07 with the same type/pattern as mum and my aunts. Mine has spread to my ribs and spine and had done even after chemo,mx,anc and rads. Fortunately, all mum and aunts are alive still. If I came back with a positive test I would ask for a mx on other side but they may not do it…Mind you, the genetics folk (personally we didn’t find ours informative or helpful) said it looks like our family history shows a faulty gene but probably not one they’re investigating. I’m not hopeful of a quick result as they said they would confirm our meeting in writing and that hasn’t appeared yet !