Getting bored of this and ratty

Hi Vertangie perhaps this will cheer you up it made me laugh.
My neice has decided to have a fancy dress party in a few weeks time for her 18th birthday, my sisters were discussing what we could go as when my twin sister turned to me and said you could leave off your wig and go as uncle fester ( I am the same build ) or sinaed oconner not sure if I,ve spelt that correctly. I was very proud to reply that I would have to shave my head again to look like her and lose at least 6 stone. x

It’s only fair after having a proper old winge to share the better stuff.

my last chemo is on Tuesday. And here’s recent events and the plan.

Tuesday me and Tommy went to keswick and I bought a new pair of boots, £160 plus £35 for insoles. I have never spent that kind of money on a pair of boots in my life but Tommy convinced me that they’re worth it. So I spent around 2 hours finding the right ones and with the addition of a pair of superfeet insoles I found the most comfortable supportive mountain climbing boots ever, so light, comfy and strong. And like all of us here I had twinges of back pain that I was paranoid about but stoming around in these things the pains were just gone.

Seriously ladies, how much would you pay for peace of mind… right look at your shoes and make sure your posture is correct, like me you may find you’ve been worrying about pains that are caused by fallen arches in your feet etc. I have italian feet it turns out, narrow and not at all flat and wide like most british feet. I also got the lightest back pack in the world which made me sooo chuffed.

Anyone going up mountain who wants a really comfy bargain message me. It cost me £35 quid (used to be around 90) but it’s light and the weight sits on the waist which is critically important with risk of lymphodeoma.

Right enough of shopping.

Tomorrow we’re going to Newcastle to an arts fair where we’ll be picking up a Chris Gollon print which I’m really excited about 'cause I love his work.

Also checking out a campervan for my mum. Then doing some more work on some websites at the weekend and Monday. Then last dose on Tuesday.

We’ve decided to make a day of it, the nurses were kind enough to let me go in early for the bloods and do the chemo later so we’ve got about 3 hours to kill so are going to have lunch at a french bistro and then wander around Carlise castle and make a day out instead of just yet another chemo.

It’s so great to just be doing normal things again. Yeah there’s rads in just over 4 weeks etc but still it feels like it’s coming to an end.

And here the really good news. You know those prognosis numbers we all have give to us, well I’ve been doing a load of reading and thinking and have realised that it’s only based on the treatments they give us, no consideration at all is given to what control we take over our own lives such as fitness, diet, attitude etc it’s just not part of the system and the numbers are out of date and always improving so actually things may not be as bleak as they seem.

And the super collider got turned on which was amazing. I mean how many things take 20 years of planning and actually happen on the day they should, and it very nearly didn’t

It’s been an amazing week, one that will actually go down in history but most people don’t realise that right now… becuase of the collider not my boots BTW :wink:

I know exactly where you’re “at” Angie. I was/am sick to death of the rather tiresome side effects and was cock a hoop to finally finish the chemo. I still have all the side effects though, and I really am fed up of them now. However, I am enjoying my “holiday” from the medical profession before starting rads with the planning on 23rd. Of course, I’d planned lots of things to do during my “holiday” and then I get a phone call - the only time they can take the Hickman Line out is Friday afternoon - which completely knackers my plans for the weekend. I WANT MY LIFE BACK!

Hang in there girl - we’ll do it. Enjoy your “holiday”

Sue… they’ll have to let you get on with your life soon. These onc’s are so needy aren’t they… we just want to live out lives but they just *have* to see us regularly LOL :wink:

Angie, your plan for Tuesday sounds nice! You never know I might see you, I have my rads planning on tuesday at Carlisle, scared about it but hey hoy! Here’s to the finish line, its a wierd feeling, thing it will hit me more tomorrow when go for last bloods and then thats it - although I dont want to be in the chemo ward at Whitehaven again they are sooo nice and friendly I will pop in, god never thought I would here it said! anyhow, you think you have no more fight and the last one takes it out of you but knowing that the effects wont happen again is good.

Lisa, we can’t be that close and not meet. what time you there?

My bloods are at 11 and chemo at 2pm. I’m bringing party poppers… I shall bring a couple for you too. If you’re there anywhere betweenn those times please say so I can throw a popper over you (why does that sound rude LOL) :wink:

If you want to join us at the french cafe or castle you’d be most most welcome. I’m taking a copy of “Coping with chemotherapy” as a pressie for the ward… don’t I know how to spoil them LOL… right bath for me now. lots of love


I will be the girl who was blonde wearing a green buff with a hippy cow on it… you can’t miss me :wink:

I will be the cyber girl wishing I was there but cheering you 2 on throught he next part. Order me something nice to eat, but not vegetarian or I won’t make it round the castle too.
Love you guys
Lily x


Finished 8th chemo on August 18th and flew out to California on the 19th - more coincidence than judgement (oncologist thought I was raving bonkers) but brilliant holiday and a great way to ease the transition and step off the chemo treadmill. Had teeth gritted and head down for so long, the chemo rituals kind of locked me in and hadn’t realised how much it’s so completely dominated the last six months. Those rituals: put the blood labels in bag on Thurs evening, onc appointment and blood test Fri, get up early to scoff steroids on Sunday etc etc etc… I know how Joanne feels about leaving it behind. It so completely regulates your life while you’re going through it (and I’m lucky enough not to have suffered nearly as badly as some).

So all you brave strong women finishing chemo - get yourselves a treat or a little break, you deserve it! And goodbye Taxotere - you shrank my tumour, but you were a pig to live with.

Oh well, surgery next - got to crank myself up for that, now, being a neo-adjuvant kind of girl… stand by for the “surgery” bit of the forum to be filled with loud whingeing noises…

L x

Hi Angie

I wondered what your celebration would be! Put me down for something nice at the bistro so I can cyber enjoy it - should have taste buds back by then! Pop one off for me as well LOL. It would be great if you and Lisa could meet up after all we’ve been through. The funny thing is when I saw the title to this thread I thought it was about ‘Ratty’ - Lisa’s wig - and got very confused when you’d posted it and I know you’ve not got a ratty;-) Now I get it, you WERE ratty, duh, chemo brain!
Sounds like you’re on the up, quite literally if the boots have their way. I have a pair of fantastic boots I’ve had for about 15 years (no, they don’t hum!) and they are like putting slippers on so however sore my feet might be it’s bliss to walk in them - let’s hope your boots live up to that - as Nancy Sinatra said!
Take care, enjoy the weekend and get through Tuesday - hooray The Last One!

Nicky xx