glove making hand sore

Hi, I wonder if anyone else has this problem? I wear a glove and sleeve all day every day and the glove is making the skin sore between my ring and middle fingers. I’ve developed a small lump of tissue which I think is my skin trying to protect itself. I try to pull the glove up my hand so it isn’t rubbing this area but it is still sore. I’m wondering if I should try and keep a piece of padding there to relieve the pressure from the bit of glove that’s rubbing. Any ideas gratefully received!

Hi littlemrs

I don’t wear a glove myself, but have a couple of links that might be of use:


‘Stepup-Speakout’ also has loads of info’ about lymphoedema, too.

i’ve been wearing a sleeve and glove since last summer and must admit i havn’t had this problem… what type of glove did you get issued…? i was given one of the ones that are made of a finer fabric almost feel like satin rather than the ribbed thick material… (got to try one of those on and no-way!!! lol) have you been having to wear it for a long time? i would get back to your lymmphodema nurse if you can - mine did say to call if they turned out to be uncomfortable etc…

Theresa x

I have the same kind of problem in that in between my fingers are sore to the touch by the end of the day.

I also find that if I wear both the glove & the sleeve all day I have a skinny wrist when I take it off & my hand looks puffier.

I’m back next week, so I’ll see if there’s anything I can do to prevent it.

Good Luck in relieving the discomfort…aren’t the gloves just soooo attractive too!!


Meant to have added this earlier…

It might be worth posting your queries on:

It’s the main UK website (as far as I can tell) for all things lymphoedema and Lynora, who moderates it and gives wonderful advice, is a fully qualified lymphoedema therapist.

X to all



I wear a glove only and experienced soreness between my fingers. I mentioned this, and was told by my lymph nurse to note when I start feeling the soreness start and remove the glove about an hour before and it works.

I don’t wear it at night and excercise my hand more when the glove is off.

Hope this helps.

I’m having 3 weeks of bandaging and it’s given me blisters on some finger joints. I’ve protected them with plasters but they soon wear off.