Going through Cancer whilst living alone

Thank you.I’m feeling pretty ok with everything today for some reason…of course we all know how we change from day to day! :slight_smile: just had a friend round and she’s offered to take me back and forth for treatment…amazing.anyway one step at a time.hope we’re all having a good day x

Hi Treeze, will be thinking about you tomorrow, sending you lots of hugs xx

Thank you.my big fear of getting a cold with this will come about soon I think, given the amount of people who have them now winters coming.most of my family have them so it’s only a matter of time.I’m scared stuff of getting colds as I’m also prone to chest infections.what happens if I get one? I imagine it’s temperature I have to watch but is there anything else? Has anyone had one while having cancer? X

Good result Brodiesmum…you’re getting there! X

Yes if it turns into a cold think I will

Words cannot express how sorry I am for your shattering news.

Sending you much much love and hugs. We are here for you when you are ready to talk xxxxx

so sorry to hear your news, Brodiesmum.
wishing you all the very best for your treatment
love & hugs
ann x

So very sorry.thinking of you xx

So sorry to hear your news. I’m here if you need to talk. Sending you lots of love and hugs xxx


So very sorry to hear your news Brodiesmum.
Thinking of you and sending lots of love
Sarah x

Tried to pm you Brodiesmum but won’t send on your settings.Sending you love xx

Couldn’t say it any better than that loulou

Just wanted you to know you are often in my thoughts- no need to reply- but do hope your cold is getting better and that you are ok. 


Wishing you lots of support and love all around you xx