going to clinic for first time

After finding a lump two weeks ago I finally get to go to the breast clinic at 3.30pm today. I am very nervous and worried about what the result could be, but at the same time I just want to get there and find out. The waiting and worrying has been awful but ive had great support from my husband and friends so hopefully, fingers crossed I will know today! x

~Good luck. Remember, around 8 out of 10 conditions referred to the breast clinic are NOT cancer, but some other condition. That’s a logical way to think, but of course we’re talking about feelings not thoughts, which is a completely different kettle of fish.

We all know how you feel, we’ve all been there, and we are all hoping it turns out fine for you.

Depending on how the clinic is run you might get some results today, or you might have to wait a week. Whichever it is, please come back and let us know, so that hopefully we can cheer as we wave you goodbye.

Hi Karenbu

First time in the forum nice to see your not alone.
I was at the clinic yesturday, worried sick. Just wanted to wish you luck today.