Good news/bad news/in a new minority

Hi Jane

Was pleased to hear your scans showed no sign of spread and wish you the best of luck with your forthcoming treatment.

Hope you enjoy your holidays - after events of the past couple of weeks, you certainly deserve a break.

Best wishes


Hello jane
I was new to the board in January but dont seem to hit the right note. I also have regional diagnosed in January but it took a while for my onc to tell me, after doing my own research I had to ask her if it was regional and she confirmed. But no chemo for me just arimidex as I am estrogen + they did not test me for progesterone and when I asked they said it wouldn’t make any difference to my treatment. I’m thankful that the Arimidex appears to be working for me I go back in June for futher tests. Like you I’m off on holiday, booked two weeks away to the Maldives when first rediagnosed and thought I only had a few months to live!! But I know what you mean about being ‘pleased’ goal post are constantly moving aren’t they. I try to get on with things and forget about it but occasionally when I’m with my own thoughts the fear rears its ugly head and I wonder when It will spread again. But I try to keep positive. I’m 54 now and was diagnosed at 46. most of my friends of that time have now gone which makes me feel so sad but blessed at the same time.
do have a great holiday and if you come across any info regarding regional I would be really grateful

take care


for Jane RA Hi Jane

Sorry i have only just caught up with this thread…

I’m really pleased that your scans showed no evidence of further spread…

My onc has Xeloda in mind for me if he can get me on the tykerb trial…

Have a good few days away and enjoy yourself…

Love Jakki

JaneRA Very pleased that scans no spread, but very sorry that you have regional recurrence.
I hope you and your partner enjoy your few days away.
