Got my op date but so anxious and its ages away..

Not until the 15th December. Feels like such a long time. Especially as had biopsy on 4th November…what if its getting worse in all that time?? All anyone can say to me is that its a positive as they aren’t that worried or it would have been sooner!


I’ve made a doc appointment, not sure if they can help but struggling with my anxiety so badly and I’m on an emotional roller coaster which won’t let me get off!

Hi Emily

What surgery are you having? I was diagnosed oct 19th didn’t have surgery til last week - a month later. It is a bit rubbish being so near xmas?If I need second op to clear margins it will also be around this time.

I was worried about spreading especially as I had pain but was told this was most likely pain from the biopsy as most breast cancers are very slow growing.

I went to my doctor and he prescribed me diazepam for the nerves they aren’t that good but better than nothing and I got signed off work as my mind wasn’t in the right place to work.

Rebecca xx

Hiyer Emily,


Disclaimer…I’m not a medical person lol The thing is about BC, and particularly certain types, is that they can be very slow progressing. Everyone, well most people, want it gone asap and fret about the ‘what if’ its doing this, getting larger or spreading, but the truth is that for many people who are diagnosed their tumour has already been there a long time, months or years. I presume the docs have some preliminary results from your initial biopsy and know the size and possible lymph node involvement? They will know the urgency, or lack of it required. I went into a panicked anxiety state after diagnosis, to do with a phobia I had about the General anaesthetic, and asked my surgeon (when she told me I had BC) the safe length of time I could leave it…she said that it wouldn’t change much and leaving a couple of months wouldn’t concern her. Of course, once I’d got my head in gear I wanted it done asap. The ‘ASAP’ was a month after my initial diagnosis, and that seemed a fairly standard NHS timescale which is similar to yours. If I went privately, I could have had it within 2 weeks.

After surgery my removed tumour was the same size as their estimation from the ultrasound.

I do think seeing your GP is a good idea. I certainly needed something to help me sleep at night and reduce the anxiety, although it was only a weeny amount I took for a few weeks at night of a diazepam type med. Remember, you BC nurse is now also availiable to you to drop in and see or call, they can really help ease your fears at this time.


(PS. I was typing at the same time as Rebecca, and see that we both said VERY similar about our experiences, so take heart from that).

Hi Emily. I’m glad you’ve got your date through but sorry it’s such a wait. I had my biopsy on 14th and “formal” results on 18th (although they told me on 14th what they thought). At the 18th appointment was told that the op would be within 31 days of formal diagnosis day as that was the government target. For me that means should be on 19th December or earlier - happy Cristmas to me - so I don’t know when you got your diagnosis.


You should definitely go to your GP. I thought I’d be fine at work today, I’m only waiting for an operation date, nothing I can do about it blah blah. Turns out the ability to cope with everyday activities whilst this is hanging over you is completely different from functioning at a job! 

Hi emily

Don’t know whether you’ve read my post but I rang the GP in a very distressed state after today’s debacle and have been given some clonazepam to help reduce my anxiety.  Been awake since 1.00 am and just managed to force down a poached egg my husband cooked for me.  Feel like the reality of the cancer diagnosis has really hit home and just can’t face going to work, whereas for the last few weeks work has been a welcome distraction.  My dear husband even went into school where I work to let the head know as I couldn’t even face talking to him.  Just want to hibernate and come out when it’s all over.  Back in bed in the dark with my furry little hot water bottle. ?


Hi Emily, seems I’m following you round this forum and I’m always a few days behind you … I have got my treatment plan meeting this afternoon and I’m so scared … initial diagnosis not too bad (did I actually even say that LOL). I’m just scared that something else will have been found after the MRI … I have been coping so well until this morning when anxiety levels are through the roof. I’ve seen that people say you feel a lot calmer after treatment plan has been given, at the moment I’m struggling to believe … lots of hugs to everybody that needs one! xx

Hiii, so had my treatment plan meeting yesterday which was the most surreal experience ever. Basically I was asked if I had thought about what surgery I would like to happen (lol … I thought “no, have you”). Anyway long story short … after the MRI last week they found another tiny lump behind my original one so I’ve decided to go full hog and have full mastectomy … couldn’t be bothered thinking if I have a lumpectomy will more little lumps appear after plus I have quite small boobs and a lumpectomy would be taking quite a lot away. I’ve decided to have reconstruction at the same time aswell. It’s a much longer op but gets it out of the way plus it’s a 5 day stay in hospital this way so I reckon at least I’ve got people looking after me for a few days which takes the anxiety of coming home away. Yesterday I was expecting them to tell ME what was going to happen and not to be given so many choices!! LOL … anyway before I go I just wanted to say that you lovely people are right again when you say that you will feel a lot calmer when you have “the plan”. I do feel calmer even though I still know it’s going to be a rough few months ahead.
I haven’t been given my op date yet but meeting with the BCN on Friday to go through things beforehand.
Oh … and also I was told the lump was 2cm but now after the MRI it’s actually 4cm so still a grade 2 … phew!!! But can’t wait to get rid … this is a mad ride to be on!! xxxxx

I had a date for surgery for a small invasive cancer in my left breast but have now got to wait as they have relooked at my MRI and found something in my right breast requiring an MRI guided biopsy which apparently can only be done in 3 hospitals in the country and has a four week wait.  Just about to ring the patient advice line at my local hospital as I feel that as I already have a cancer in one breast I should perhaps be a priority.  If I wait 4 weeks, then a further 10 days for results, then I will be nearly 3 months from diagnosis before the surgery, and I’m so frightened that my low grade but invasive cancer could well change during this time.

Just been for my last blood test…need to wait ti 2pm to find out time of my op tomorrow I’m so worried as the indent is underneath he’s having to build up the breast …hope it looks ok…but then again do I care…as long as it’s all gone

Hi Pam, did you get your time for tomorrow? What surgery are you having? Sarah xx

Good luck for tomorrow Pam. Will be thinking of you.  

Jane x

Yep blue dye at nuclear medicine to take sentinel lymph node out…op went well yesterday. …doctor been this morning he’s very pleased…back in 2 weeks to see him.relaxing in hospital till later on this afternoon

Thanks…just recovering from the op

Ooh Pam, I’ve kept checking for an update … glad all went well and you’re feeling ok … that’s another step taken. Please keep us updated when you are home xxx

Really glad it’s gone well Pam x

Yep was in overnight…just very achy and sore just feel a bit tired…Blue wee all gone now but green poo still from the dye…feel ok in to see surgeon in 2 weeks