Had mri today --surgery on 25th Aug

I first went to my GP in oct 2008 as my right nipple grew 4 times bigger and became hard. The lady locum fast tracked me for mammogram but nothing showed up the registrar said come back in 3 months. I wasnt happy with this on my mind so rang and went back in 2 months. The registrar said it was my age and that he had read up on it and come back in 3 months . The breast was sore and so phoned and saw doctor after 2 1/2 months. It was a different registrar and he asked for the consultants opinion who decided to do open biopsy . I had to go as in patient due to my angina and mini strokes. He said it was 99% chance it was benign. I had biopsy on 7th July due to my medication and poor healing wound didnt heal well. The nipple and tissue surrounding died so have cavity where nipple used to be. Still having dressing changed by nurse.
Today I went for MRI scan which I had had for other conditions but it was really hard having to get onto table on my belly and manoever each breast into a hole. The lady said shed try to do it within 12 minutes. It took 35 mins the intravenous drip gave hot flushes all over my body from head to toe and I sweated so much. It took 35 mins in that machine. I couldnt move when I got out. My husband had to help me as my arthritis didnt like the position I had been in. The plan was to go to get some food shop. I had to go to bed. They said the doctor will write report and then my specialist will ring. I know I am having surgery on 25th Aug but will know if it will be mastectomy or wide insition. Also removing lymth nodes. This is the start of my journey I have come to terms with my other health issues arthritis, angina, and TIA’s (mini strokes) I intend to survive this too. Best wishes to any body else going through this.xx


Welcome to the forums, I’m sure someone will be along to support you soon.
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Best wishes
June, moderator

Oh amh, you sound like you’ve had a really rough ride - and being fobbed off is just so frustrating. Having all your other medical conditions is an unwelcome complication to your BC treatment - but as you say, you’ve learned to fight them so now you know how to fight this one too! And it’s good that your OH is helpful - bless 'em, they do have their uses!

Best of luck with your op.I’m 51,arthritic and now diabetic following chemo.I’m 15 months down the line and on the road to recovery.This forum has been a Godsend.I’ve made some good friends here and met some of them in May.You’ll get all the advice and support you could wish for her.