Had WLE and lymph nodes removed last week

Hi all - am feeling that finally today I have turned a corner. Still abit weepy and if anyone else tells me ‘how well their friend in doing three years on’ I swear I’ll kill them ( prefer to concentrate on my aunt who lived till she was 93 - quite barking but fit).

Hey is this an all time record or am i being abit impatient HER2 result that designates whether I have chemo is still not available from Addenbrooks … op was on November 17th !!!
if it is a 1 or 2 onc says I can have the choice of chemo if 3/4 then he recommmneds it …what would you do? Buxxxxxxered if I know anymore beginning to lose faith in bedford and addenbrooks.

The surgeon left it to the onc to tell me they couldn’t get a good clearance ( too close to the chest wall - abit bigger and now a stage 2) but they plan three weeks and some booster shots of rads

O.k I’ll finish rambling on love and many positive thoughts winging their way to you all Lazydaisy1

thankyou gemjunkie that helped a lot, i will pick it up after a while hopefully

lyn x

Hi All - Spoke to the BC nurse today and completly lost it - bless her she was soooooooo patient but said it was quite common for it to take three or four weeks before HER2 result is in. Thought I’d got it all under control!!! guess not.Rang me back to make sure I was o.k - it was good to talk to someone who understands. has anyone else across the country had to wait so long - is it normal? Node results back within 17 days as well as Eostrogen driver ( which is positive) but really do need to know about the HER2 so I can get it straight in my head if I need chemo - don’t want to play this game anymore want to go back to my boring mundane life BIG TIME Love to all Lazydaisy1


Yes, my HER2 took ages, and then it came back HER2 2, which is borderline, so they had to send it away for another test, called FISH. It came back negative, eventually. My surgeon told me he thought it would be negative as my ER score was 8/8. Here is an explanation from Louise (BCC)


Ann x

lynbeverley I have sent you a personal message! x

laizydaisy so sorry you are having to wait so long for your HER status xxxxx hugs xxxxx

Thank you my darling soo good to know people read my rambles and ‘just know where I’m coming from’ love and hugs Lazy

Thank you Anne - just thought is was me !!! These results are really complicated but I’m sure I’ll get my head around them at some point … feel I need a science degree - very under qualified for this ‘little problem’.
Just put up some decorations and am feeling positive today - tomorrow who knows cross that bridge when I get there!!.


Hi Lazydaisy and everyone else,

I havent been on this discussion board for a while, so lots of new names and faces. Hope you are all doing ok. Laztdaisy, im sorry that your results are taking so long to come back, I remember how I felt when waiting for mine, its not nice. I made the huge mistake of convincing myself that I wouldnt need chemo…silly thing to do, because I was so upset when they told me I would need it. My results were HER negative, oestrogen positive 8/8 but two nodes were positive and I wasnt given an option, I was just told I had to have it. Im having TAC chemo which is one of the more aggressive types and I spend the first week after Ive had it feeling like a wet dishcloth, but slowly get better after that and so far have had a good week before next lot of chemo. Next one on Tuesday, thats number 4…only 2 more to go before I start radiotherapy and tamoxifen. Lazydaisy, if you do need chemo, it is a pain but it is do-able,and it give you a little peace of mind that you’ve done everything possible to prevent reccurance or spread. If you do have to have chemo, Ive got a few little tips if you are interested( dont want to bore you or repeat what 100 others have already told you). Stay positive and I hope you all have a good week.
Love n hugs
Deb x

bless your heart debs - yes you know exactly where I’m coming from!! thanks so much for useful advice - hopefully I’ll know tis week. Beginning week 5 of not knowing … keeping busy.Hope they manage to get a result from original biopsy or I’m slightly stuffed!
Hope you have a fantastic Christmas. P.S saw lots of shooting stars in darkest Devon last weekend made lots of wishes for all of us.


Hi had my op 10 days ago, to remove a tumour between 5 and 6cm in my left breast plus the removal of the main sentinel node under my arm,they told me the cancer has spred to the lymph nodes, my breast is really swollen this i believe is normal, but under my arm im not sure about, the cut is right fom the back of my armpit to the front with horrible staples, ok again probably normal, but above my breast and coming from my armpit to my collarbone i have a enormous hard swelling only just came up last night? this i am concerned about, let me also explain that i live in spain we have no cancer advice lines for english and i dont speak very good spanish, my op was done in spain on there nhs. This makes it more arkward, i was sent home in less than 24 hours after the op with no aftercare, just wait for my specialist to phone, any advice would be much appreciated.

Hi Muffett

Welcome to the Breast Cancer Care discussion forums, you’ve come to the right place for some good support as the many informed users of this site have a wealth of knowledge between them.

Although you are in Spain you can still use BCC’s helpline service, the overseas number is (+44) 2076 200077, the helpline is closed over the Bank Holiday period but is open again on Tuesday 29th between 9am - 5pm UK time. Alternatively if you would like to use the Ask the Nurse email service this is also available, I have put the link below, but this takes a little longer for replies.


I hope this helps. Take care,
Kind regards,
Jo, Facilitator

Oh Muffett how awful for you to be abroad and with so little support - I hope you have had some help over new Year wityh your concerns - keep posting here you will make some good friends - thinking of you honey and sorry you are going through this with the rest of us xxxxxxxxx Lyn xxxxxxxx