Hair After

I will let you know how I get on!!!

Sheila xxx

Im also someone who pops on to this site evry now and agin, but am so glad to have stumbled on this thread.
I finished Chemo in July 09 and hade rads on Oct and Nov. My hair used to bo past my shoulders and had a very slight kink to it. Now it is as curly as curly could be - I can relate to the earlier poster who said she felt like a poodle. I have to admit - I am more concious now of putting a hat on before I go out than when I was bald! Everyone keeps telling me i should be grateful to have my hair back - which of course I am, but is it too much to ask to have my old hair back!! Any one else suffering from chemo weight hanging around??

Yes chemo weight is a bummer. HATE the thought that I might not shift it, and want to keep it down for all potential health benefits. My chemo finished in Oct, and I mistakenly thought I’d have a reasonable head of very short hair by Christmas. Sadly that was not to be, so I have been listening to ‘you are lucky to have such a nice shaped head’ from work colleagues and friends for far too long (which makes me chuckle - particularly as I really don’t!)

Hi, I’m also trying to lose the stone I put on AFTER chemo finished which i don’t understand! After each treatment I lost a few pounds whcih would then go back on by time next treatment was due so overall my weight remained constant. However, after the final treatment I found I put on a pound a day, mind you it was over Xmas when I had got my appetitie back but not doing any exercise! I’m now doing lots of walking (in spite of bad joint pains - any else get them?) and although I’m not putting any more weight on, I’m not losing any either! people say they can’t see it and that I look well but there are lots of clothes, especially my jeans, hanging in my wardrobe which I can’t wear at the moment so I need to lose a few pounds or, alternatively, go shopping!

Also just noticed that it’s not just the hair on my head thats started growing, also those annoying ones round my chin have come back, had to hunt out the tweezers this morning, haven’t had to use them for months!

Dae x

I’m sticking to a pretty strict 1700 cals a day which includes 160 cals for treats (I generally have something like a biscuit and a mini chocolate bar during the day). I’m not really hungry on that and have managed to lose about 6lbs during the course of this month, so I’m pleased. I’m being monitored through an NHS sponsored scheme in Scotland and I fell off the wagon a bit in the 2 weeks leading up to Christmas, but I’m back on track now. However, I need to do more exercise before my next appointment in the middle of Feb as I’m supposed to either walk or get on my stepper every day. I was originally on 1900 cals but wasn’t losing anything and it was affecting my motivation - ideally I’d like to lose 2 stone, plus maybe another half if I could.

Hi ladies,

So good to read all the different experiences post chemo. Mine ended in August 09 then surgery and rads which finished on 22 Dec. My hair is coming back darker and, like some of the others, when I look in the mirror it doesn’t look like me. It’s about 2" long and I’m having my first cut and colour on Thurs 4th so I’ll let you know how it goes. My hairdresser is totally organic and uses only Aveda products. She has been fantastic since day 1. In her own time she helped me chose my wig to match my own colour then styled it and wouldn’t let me pay anything. I trust her completely otherwise I think I would wait a bit longer. I wore mascara to a party at New Year and lost quite a few of my newly grown eyelashes. :frowning:

Dae - I kept my weight almost exactly the same through all the treatment too and I ate like a pig! Now that the treatments are over I’m beginning to put on the odd pound so like Cherub I think it’s time for me to reign in the eating. I think our bodies used up more calories during treatments to repair the damage.

Good luck with the diet Cherub.

Jan xx

Dae I finished chemo in the first week of December - 99% bald but had a few lashes remaining and a trace of eyebrows. Over the next month I lost the lot…but be reassured your lashes and brows won’t be far behind your returning head hair as I now have full yes full brows; no more pencilling in etc. And my eyelashes, while not yet full length, have returned very speedily too. I condition them with a product called lipocils made by Talika. Will hold off the mascara for a bit longer.

Take care.

My lashes were never that great before I had chemo, since they came back they have been very stumpy and no asset to my eyes at all. I’ve tried all sorts of mascaras over the last 2 years to no effect - then 2 weeks ago I bought a Boots No 7 one called Extreme Length. It is fantastic as it has a very fine and flexible spiny brush which separates out the lashes - I can now actually see them and they look long and nice.

For my eyelashes its LOreal`s Voluminous, promising five times thicker eyelashes. I finished chemo in July 2009 but since I find that my eyelashes are variable, sometimes ok, but sometimes short and sparse, so they need the extra help.

Max factor false eyelash mascara rocks! Never ever had eyelashes this long before!



“onestep”, I also finished chemo 1st week of Dec but far from growing back, my eyebrows and lashes are still disppearing even though the hair on my head is growing back, I see the difference daily! Thanks everyone for all the mascara tips!

Good luck to you all

Dae x

Dae my head hair had begun to return too, as the final lashes and bits of brow dropped out ! I looked absolutely dreadful 4 weeks ago, with no definition at all round the eyes. But the regrowth of brows and lashes has been pleasantly rapid. it’s almost as if they all have to come off before regenerating. I honestly think you’re close behind me in your hair cycle and once your lashes and brows start to regrow i bet you’ll see a real change within a fortnight.

I’ve not been on here for ages…I finished my chemo last July…my hair came back wavy and with a lot more grey…I had my highlights done in December…They made me feel like me again…my hair was short before treatment and is now back to the way it was

Linda x