Hair colouring

Hi Ladies ,
Can you hep me ?? As you will see from my piccy I have a new head of WHITE hair, I want to colour it as its very ageing and also not a good look with the hot flushes I look like a beacon , white hair & very red ears/face need I say more , so can anyone advise a soft/kind hair colourant to use , One that will not damage my very soft and precious new hair , pleeease help if you can

Janice xx

Bumpity bump

Hiya - I think your hair looks lovey! I was told to only use the herbal hair dyes that aren’t classed as permanent.

Hi ST ,
Everyone says that lol but as I say when the hot flushes descend which id pretty much hourly !!! Its a different look altogether , Can I buy herbal dye in the usual , ie boots/superdrug or are they mail order do you know ?

Thanks for your reply x

I’ve seen them in Asda - best to do a strand test because some people have gone ginger. I was told to leave my hair for at least 6 months after finishing chemo before trying to dye it.

Hiya…I would like to know as well as when I asked my onc about colouring and parabens she just laughed and said that the list of things with parabens in was endless!!..she didn’t seem bothered but…she was my onc not a bc sufferer!!..I am currently sporting…curly grey yukk on my head and won’t go out without my hat on…I even wear it when hanging out the laundry!!..

Ok Thanks ST I will have a look , my hair is soooo precious to me now I really dont want to jepordise it so I wont rush into anything im 5 months past chemo and its quite long and thick but very soft so Im a little hesitant obviously ,
I must admit applestreet I have gone commando since finishing chemo ( July ) I did look a little action man ish but really didnt care what people thought in the end, I had a few strange looks and even a couple of sniggers from cretins !! but their ignorance fuelled me even more to do as I wanted but I totally understand what you are saying if you dont feel happy/good about it it will make you feel worse , I shall update you on what happens I will do a strand test before I put ANYTHING on my hair lol

Take care all x

lottie…serious hair envy…long and thick sounds lovely…even if it isn’t a colour you like…I am going to wait until it grows a bit more…the curls are natural…that was my look before discovering straighteners…but…there’s not enough length to get in a tong at the moment…it’s catch 22…I need it to grow to tong it but…if I have the chemo fuzz cut off…I’ll be back to the curly look…which I spent years getting rid of…Im neary 7 months post chemo but I don’t want to go ginger either!!!..I went without my wig in the summer as it was too hot to wear it but my hair was v short then…it’s the curls I can’t stand…like it much better straight…

Ah ha I may be able to help yopu there , I have purchased a pair of tiny straightners they are from boots cant remember who makes them but they are bright pink leopard print so you cant miss them and they are great for short hair, Now when I say long I mean sort of 2 inches as that IS long after months of baldness !!! so dont be too envious lol , I have the chemo curl at the back and its dark grey there as well so from the front it look kinda ok but if I turn around its a different story , but alas I am here to tell the tale and long may that continue , good luck hun on your quest for nice coloured/straight hair we sure deserve it xx

Hey Ladies,
This might help in answering some of your questions:
Mine too, is about an inch long now and grey, but it was before chemo lol!


I was told to leave it 6 months after chemo, which I did - to the day!! I was crossing the days off on the calendar. My hairdresser used a normal dye but didn’t leave it on very long just in case! It was fine and it lifted the grey which for me was not a good look. Due for cut and colour No 2 on Saturday.

Thanks for the link WS its a great site and tells you everything you need to know off to check out hair colours now lol x

Hiya…thanks lottie…will be off to local boots to have a look!!..

hi i am nearly 6 months post chemo i did colour my hair 5 weeks ago as it came back salt and pepper which really knocked my confidence and i did not want to go out the front door,my hair was natural blonde before my chemotherapy. I have used a colorant which i purchased from holland & barrett which is called NATURTINT, i coloured my hair again today and it leaves my hair looking so good,it has no ammonia,resorcinol or parabens, its all natural so no worrys about your hair going orange etc. I hope this may be of help to you, madalana.

Hi Ladies
just to update and inform others who are wondering if its safe , I had my hair coloured today at my salon and its fine my hair is abour 3 inchs long now and I finished chemo in July so 5 months ago and it looks so much better, I feel more like myself now it feels good to have a little control back there are some things I cannot control in the world of bc but at least my hair colour is now not one of them :slight_smile:

Love to all x