hair loss and psoriasis

hi has anyone else got psoriasis of the scalp and also going to lose their hair?

Any suggestions welcome

Hi Cissy

I also have psoriasis it is usually on my scalp arms and trunk and following chemo it is has now gone. Onc said
this because chemo kills off fast growing cells which of course is what psoriasis is, but I guess it will come back when chemo finishes.

It had actually almost cleared before I lost my hair, I have had 3 lots of EC so far and it is still clear

However if it does not clear I usually just wear a cotton scarf on my head most of the time mainly to keep it warm, I very rarely wear a wig because it makes me sweat too much


Hi Cissy,
I have psoriasis mainly on knees and elbows. It goes away remarkably quickly after your first chemo but mine gradually started coming back before next treatment. I started getting it on my scalp after i lost my hair, it was quite sore and itchy. I just covered up most of the time ( i wasnt brave enough to go commando ) Like linda i prefered cotton scarves, but wore wooley hats outside when it was cold. I did wear a wig if I was going out anywhere. My hair is about 1 inch long now, but completely grey ( Im 39 ) I can use a dye in 2 weeks which will be 3 months since last chemo, I,ll be wearing a hat until then.
Unfortunately my Psoriasis came back with avengence after chemo and was quite sore and red. I found a cream on ebay, Goat milk cream which is pretty good.
Good luck to you and I hope that like me your chemo isnt as bad as you thought it would be.
Love Andrea x

Hi Sylvia

I too am about to start chemo and have psoriasis on my scalp, elbows and a few other patches on my body. I am going to see the oncologist on Wednesday to sort out my treatment and was going to ask about the effect chemo will have on my psoriasis. I am also especially worried about my scalp as I have psoriasis on my hairline which I can cover up at the moment with a fringe - I am not sure that I will be able to cover it with a scarf if I lose my hair.

Thanks, Linda and Andrea, it is comforting to know that my psoriasis is unlikely to be get much worse with chemo and could possibly improve.

I hope all goes well with your chemo and psoriasis, Sylvia!

Wishing all of you the best of luck with your treatments,
