hair loss???

The painting is by Augustus Egg. I saw it hanging in Birmingham art gallery and always liked it. I am sure we all have favourite pictures, poems, places that we have come across in our lives. Perhaps we could share them here??

Here’s another from me - a poem I spotted and always remembered pasted above the door on a London Underground Train about ten years ago… It is by Robert Graves…

Love without hope, as when the young bird-catcher
Swept off his tall hat to the Squire’s own daughter,
So let the imprisoned larks escape and fly
Singing about her head, as she rode by.

JO what can I say???
other than I have got one of those too !!!
MEN actually Shelly wrote something very intereasting on facebook she said " Mental anxiety, Mental breakdowns, Menstrual cramps, Menopause… Did you ever notice how all our problems begin with Men?.. from Shelly

So true !!!

sorry can’t say much am tired now waiting for Steve to come home ( although I said I wouldn’t ! )
love Caron xx

Morning ladies

Hope your all well.

Caron - it takes us about 3 hours,train and tube to get from Spalding to The Marsden.Its easier and cheaper than driving.

I’m feeling a bit woozy today and slept all day yesterday, its the Morphine doing this to me but at least i’m pain free.

No op date yet but i will let you know asap…

Sorry i cant write to every one today as my mind is else where and very floaty…going to catch some Zzzzzzz’s now…

Take care ladies

Dear all,

Good to hear from you all as always. Feeling Ok today after Tax yesterday. I know it’s early days for the symptoms to start, but I am just enjoying the lack of sickness and nausea for the moment. It’s a relief. Will probably feel different when the symptoms start next week. Also my steroids are really working their magic…they stop tomorrow…so look out for tearful girl!!! You have been warned!

Love the picture and poem… I’m going to try to remember things that I have loved reading and looking at. (haqven’t been to Birmingham Art Gallery for ages - remember the lovely pre-raph paintings though). My real thing is the sea. I love it and hate the fact I live so far away in Oxford. before all this stuff, I had taken a rdundancy deal from Oxford Uni and was kick starting a new career and we were planning a move back towards the coast. However, being ill…being within a 5 min drive of a specialist cancer hospital and realising how many friends are here to help…has made me nervous about ever moving again. Steve and I met when we were living in Plymouth and spent much time in Devon and Cornwall before moving to Hampshire…also near the water…albeit not so pretty. But love Dorset too and Sussex - just don’t know then as well. Lived in Mid Wales for a while too…mountains and sea…perfect!!!

I love many places. St Ives is abig favourite…fab scenery, gorgeous shops, lots of arty stuff, good places to eat. Glastonbury - filled with hippy shops and so heaven for me. Used to a dance retreat there and loved it. brighton - fab! Bath - beautiful and love it. Exmouth because of family hols. Mid/North Wales scenery. Norfolk for its skies and broads. Yorkshire for its wild beauty…Scotland too. Just feel like I haven’t been to enough places and wnat the chance to keep going. Have beento Ibiza for hols last few years. Never would have gone, but relative with flat there. Love it. Beautiful and hippyish!! (And Steve likes it because i don’t force him around old relics!!!)


Shell - glad to hear you are pain free!! Take care,

Morning everyone

About half hour ago I thought I had added another side effect to the ones I already know about on Tax. I was standing at the sink casually looking into the garden and there in the tree was a hugh, and I mean hugh, bird. It had a long beak and grey feathers. I thought I was seeing things. We get sparrows and tits and the occassional magpie but I thought I had really lost the plot. Common sense cut in and I grabbed a camera along the lines if there was a bird it would photograph - if I was imagining things there would be no evidence.

Well I have just transfered the image to the computer and there in all its glory is a hugh Heron. We live in London, where did he come from, in fact he is still there.

Going back to holidays - we have been visiting Dorset now for many years and if any of you are ever in the village of Corfe Castle there is a cafe called the Courtyard Cafe that does the best cream teas in the world. Fresh baked on the premises scones, jam, clotted cream and a pot of tea. My mouth is watering remembering.

Are we the only family left who still have chocolates left over from Christmas sitting on the table calling out - Eat Me, Eat me. It is so rude to ignore the plea so evening times I am trying to be helpful and working very hard to empty the box, and tin.

I had a phone call from my hospital yesterday offering to move my next ultra sound appointment forward to next week which I thought was very sweet of them. The trouble is that the appoinment has been scheduled to be 1 week after the next chemo and 1 week before I see the consultant again. Nice to know that the one department that I have had trouble with can be helpful sometimes.

Other than a vague ache in my rib area I am now over the effects of my recent tax chemo session.It is great to feel normal again . I had a dream last night that I woke up one morning and overnight my hair had grown back to about an inch long all over and it was dark brown again. Bearing in mind that my hair went grey when I was quite young and my girls don’t remember me being anything other than grey that was really weird. The tiny amount of hair that is growing is white more than grey so it will take a long while to show.

Shell so glad that they have finally taken the pain away - next stop taking the cancer away .

Sorry I havn’t individually written to you all but if I try to go back a page I lose what I have already typed. I love you all for being so supportive.

Hugs all round

Andie xx

Hope everyone is alright today ?
and got a decent nights sleep ( unlike me ! ) forgot to take my nytol !
My mam has just been she says I am very white today ( I always am ! ) but I am wishy washy today , I could do with a holiday I think !
maybe later after all this is over , I always wanted to go to Egypt … if only.

love to all Love Caron xx

thats what I was meaning when I say open notepad and copy & paste all the posts! then you can go through what everyone is saying at your own leisure and no threat of losing your post !! just a tip … glad to hear from Shelly again …; love caron x

I will write later. Just waiting for wig fitting lady.
So glad you are not in pain now Shelly and hope you have a peaceful day.

Gail - which dept in Oxford did you work in? I know quite a few people there who work in the education dept.

Bright xx

Hi girls,

Did a bit too much walking today and am so knackered!! Off to bed very early. Think the chemo fatigue must be starting.
Someone said they liked my hair today - even though it was my wig. Made me feel better!!!

Bright - I worked for the Bodleian Library pimarily as their Staff Development Manager, but did bits of training for the University as a whole and some work for Continuing Education. Didn’t really know many in Educuation, apart from the library lot. It’s a good department though. Your work sounds fascinating and I’m impressed you have kept it going. Wish I had been able to!

Andie - when i was in hospital over NY…I saw a parrot out my window. Thought i was going mad (as had been delerious night before)…very relieved when someone else saw it!!!

Night night all and Caron don’t forget to take your Nytol.


Dear all,

So here we are another day into our various stages of treatment. Even though I have made the decision to carry on working, my mindset has certainly taken on subtle changes (or perhaps not so subtle) so that now I am beginning to think that I am: ill; a patient; and someone who should be treated with cotton wool gloves. I now see the world more clearly and notice the small details, like the decorations on the attic rooms on tall buildings - that I would at one time have rushed past and not taken the trouble to observe, and now I do. Everything seems more precious and considered. I think these changes have occurred slowly as my diary fills up with all the activities associated with diagnostics, predictions and battling this disease. And yet all I really want (like all of us) is to return to my previous world, and as a Caron mentioned to me the other day… the previous world, but perhaps with hindsight… i.e. to appreciate what I/we had before the bc set in.

London was like an old-fashioned winter’s day today: cold, frosty hedges and icy pavements, with a watery orange sun high up in the sky. It was not the kind of warmish, greyish day that could pass as any day in any season that has come about through global warming. I really wanted to be outside somewhere walking in the country, possibly following a bridle path or perhaps trudging across a field to visit some ancient monument, stone circle perhaps…

…Instead most of my morning was taken up with Yvonne the wig stylist and fitter. She took my newly purchased wig - which although made to replicate as far as possible my own locks - on a bad day I imagine could easily be seen by others as resembling a yeti or wild big style of a primitive caveman. First she combed it out, wet it all over streaked in conditioner and combed it again. It was already looking sleeker and more calmed down. Then she deftly twisted my own hair into two plaits and positioned the system (the lace wig apparently is referred to as system rather than a wig) on my head and trimmed it, thinned it a little and shaped it as I wear my own hair. She finished by trimming the lace at the front, handing me a mirror - and well… immediately one weight was lifted off my mind. I had hair, and if I did not know any differently, it was my own hair. The system cap is breathable, sits loosely and yet firmly (secured with 28 day glue) on the scalp and can even be showered in the mornings to freshen it up. In some ways it looks better than my own hair now. It wins, just, on lustre… So that was it, I said good-bye to Yvonne and wandered about the house for a while with the system on my head - just thinking I had not lost me. Then once I had spent sufficient time in front of different mirrors in different lights I took of the wig and popped it on the end of the banister - which is functioning for the time being as a wig stand.

It was nearly 2.30pm when I looked at the clock and we had nothing in the house for lunch. So it was off out - to another cafe - and another shopping trip, but just up the road this time to Streatham. Today it was a tuna and sweetcorn baguette (light on the mayo and no butter) eaten in an Algerian cafe with two little finches singing in a cage, chirping away to some lively Spanish sounding music. Then I went to various stores looking for the latest offers on mobile broadband (thinking now about all the forthcoming chemo sessions - and how great it would be to be able to surf the web while being injected) - but in the end was dazzled by all the tariffs, small prints etc - that I decided to leave the decision for another day.

Andie - Corfe castle - never been there but certainly on my wish-list - and as for the cream teas I must try them

Gail - our jobs are/were related as I work in research and knowledge management (in education) and spend copious amounts of time searching library databases

Shell - really hope the pain goes but that your energy levels pick up… keep the suitcase packed

Jo - glad TAX is treating you better so far

Caron - thank you for cheering us all up, for the tips about note-pad - and hope you get a better night’s sleep. We could all go to Brighton. I’ll try to sort out our spare room so you could stay over… must get Jason to clear up some tools though.

Have a good evening. - And finally link to another painting - this time 1950’s America and a rather spooky shot of a manager and his secretary working late into the night

Lots of love Bright xxx

Hi, Bright, how are you doing? Remember speaking to you on my thread. Don’t mind me asking - 'cos you seemed quite open about it before - but who is Jason? A new man, or the married man you said was going back to his wife? You won over his wife and family did you? Regards, Jackie.

Morning ladies

Talking of holidays…were going to Egypt in September, Caron if you were small enough i would put you in my suitcase…lol…Never been there before but people say its nice,hope so…

Jo- we always have to book our hols 12 months in advance as we need a room for 5…it makes me mad as some places only cater for 2 adults,2 children…Arrrggghhh…

Andie- we get loads of Herons over here in Lincolnshire,last year one ate all our fish from the pond…

Got to ring the doctors now and see if i can have some more Morphine…

Take care all of you.


Morning everyone

Another day. Another really bad night. I know that I am worrying about nothing but I am a really worrier at the best of times. At 2am I was wide awake and fretting that the date for my operation is lost in the system somewhere.( I am waiting for it to arrive in the post) Common sense and daylight tell me that there are weeks to go yet before the proposed week and if I don’t hear from them soon I have plenty of time to chase them up and the breast cancer nurses that I deal with will sort it our for me BUT in the middle of the night common sense has no place in my brain.

Shell I found out yesterday that one of our neighbours had BC a few years ago and she was treated at the Marsden in central London. She cannot speak too highly of the place. Even to the point that when she was very sick on chemo they had her in overnight every session so that they could monitor her more easily.

Caron I found a different way to go back a page on the computer. OH works in IT and we have a dual screen computer at home which I never use but he has shown me that you can open up both the current page and the one before at the same time. That makes life a lot easier. How are you doing now following your last chemo. It sounds like your Mum wants to cossett you like my oldest girl wants to smother me. I understand where she is coming from but sometimes I just want to be on my own as normal. I really don’t need a minder.

Jo I really envy you being able to go to Dorset at the drop of a hat. It is our most favourite place in England. At one time we thought of moving there but decided that we would miss the family too much. We have young grandchildren who we see most days and would miss them too much. When I was first diagnosed that was one of the things really upsetting me. Because they are so young ( 2,5,7,8,9) I didn’t want to die before they were old enough to remember me.I am more positive now but back then I was in a very dark place.

Gail My onc has measured my lump everytime I have seen her but the measuring business amazes me sometimes she uses a special gauge thing and sometimes a normal tape measure. Not sure if the measuring is done as a reassurance thing - it doesn’t seem very acurate to me. After a few sessions I could feel myself that the lump was shrinking.

Well I sorted out the fridge yesterday and must restock or dinner tonight will be very hit and miss. Of to the shops now
I hope everyone has a good day

LOL Andie

Bright you are brave eating out. While on chemo I have been so nervous of getting ill because of the low immune system that since I started back in August we have not eaten anywhere other than at home. That is one of the things I am really looking forward to when my immune system has recovered - just deciding that I don’t want to cook and going to one of the local eateries. I never thought of mobile braodband while in the treatment suite. I just added a DAB radio adapter to my ipod and that keeps me amused.

Sorry about the hiccup in the previous order. I pressed the button at the wrong place

Bright. where did u get your wig from and this Yvonne lady sounds like a god send. I’m having real problems in coming to terms with my hair loss and only leave the house when absolutely ness! My husband says I have to get over it or I’m in danger of becoming a recluse!!! I hate wearing scarves because I think people look at me like I’m a victim! and on the few occassions I’ve worn my wig, I think everyone is staring at me and saying, oooh look she’s wearing a wig!! 2 Of my girlfriends took me out on Mon to brave the public with wiggy and I cried the whole time I was out. We’re supposed to be going out with the same 2 girlfriemds and their husbands to a posh restaurant for dnner tomorrow night but I’m really looking for excuses and saying I,m feeling unwell because I’m so self concious!

This to me is by far the worse part of the disease, i can cope with sickness, tiredness, feeling rubbish all of it, but not the baldness. Can’t even show my OH my head, it’s pathetic, he’s seen everything else and there is nothing he wouldn;t do for me, bit I can’t get over it, it’s the baldness that’s taken over my life not the disease.

Forgive me, i sound completley self obsessed and vain don’t i?

I like the sound of your wig. Are you saying that once you put it on, you glue and then’s permanant so you just wash and style like normal hair. I really like the idea of being able to wear hair in bed which you can’t do with mine. My OH might even get a bit of love life back if i had hair in bed that didn’t move!!!
Jo X

HI all,
hope you are all ok , had a manic day yesterday first my sis was coming then she wasn’t then she DID ! and I had decided to make fresh pasta but cos she did visit it put me behind , and it seemed to take forever , everyone was impressed by it ( but not me ! ) I didn’t think it tasted of much , I will get a different recipe , next time even the pigeons arn’t eating it ! reminds me of that duck advert when it sinks !!! lol.
Anyway I am doing some babysitting today for my sisters grandson Ben as she is going to a meeting , I hope he doesn’t cry ??? he’s 1 year old.

I hate looking in the mirror now and try not to , it’s so depressing !!! I had a dream last night that I was wearing one of my wigs and I kept shaking my head about and saying look this wig isn’t moving at all !!!, even asleep there is no getting away from it , I have had some bad dreams of Steve telling people that I had died another where all my side’s opened up and blood & gore was coming out of it ( I think that must have been Lily’s fault ! ) speaking of the Hamper she is doing very well !! and I am amazed that she is still here !, I keep trying to tell Chloe to remember that she is very old for a hamster.
I had a good sleep last night as I remembered my nytol !!!
I am making fish & chips & mushy peas today ! . I love home made mushy peas the soaking kind there lovely especially with a bit of rusty sauce on ( as we call it worstershire sauce , we have names for allsorts ! lol pippers = slippers , sandshoes = thankyou we have all sorts of silly sayings !!!
right must go Cheryl is here with Ben now ( I think I scare him !! ) xx

Hi all,
me again !!! well that was short & NOT sweet ! she brought him I said I bet he’d cry !! cry was not the word !! scream hit my poor moggy ! kick me ouch that hurt !
anyway she took him with her in the end as he was just petrified ! AM I THAT SCAREY ???.
Well I must go make my batter for my fish !! Haddock today ( best fish of all ) bye love Caron x

sorry me again just to tell you all I have gone to bed early ( yet again ! ) night night x
Bright have been reading the blog dippykate all day !! xx

Hello all,

Apologies but I have not mastered notepad or split screen - so it is just a case of trying to remember who did what since yesterday.

Jo - I’ve written to you about wig making contact - just cannot speak highly enough… a miracle

Andie - I am not brave about eating out - just not started chemo yet. That delight is next Friday… Interested though - have you all stopped eating out while on chemo?? Does that mean not even having coffee and cake??

Shell - hope you got your morphine prescription

Caron - fresh pasta, very impressed. I have a pasta maker somewhere at the back of the cupboard, bought in a culinary moment along with various electric choppers, zesters, and fancy moulds like ‘kugelhofs’ that I have never used. I go into a strange trance like state in kitchen shops -and end up buying all kinds of things I do not need…

Jacquie - Jason is my partner of six years. Married man has not been in touch since beginning of December. I have times where I feel totally lost and upset and still find it difficult to come to terms that I will never see or here from him again. I started writing on about three threads at time of my diagnosis (Nov) and after a while thought that I was just repeating myself and as we all move round anyway - have stuck with this one. I do read yours and wrote recently to say that I was writing here!

Well today was a work day and I managed to go to all the meetings without falling asleep (still a bit weary from the surgery) - and then met a new friend for lunch. We went to the pub opposite where I work, a large Victorian place with a polished wood bar, acid etched glass windows - and various associations with Charles Dickens. The food - chicken chasseur was horrible - coated in a kind of thick brown rancid gravy (no trace of wine) that the cooks seemed to pour onto everything. Gordon Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares sprang to mind. My friend is from Gateshead and we had a conversation about curious places to visit in London - museums, galleries and parts of the town that are hidden and out of the ordinary.

One place I really like is the Brunel Engine House which celebrates the advent of the London Underground. This started as the building of a majestic underwater brick tunnel with cathedral-like arches that took some 18 years to complete in 1843. Brunel’s tunnel spanned the width of the Thames from Rotherhithe on one bank to Wapping on the other. Billed as the eighth wonder of the world, people apparently came from all over the globe to see the tunnel which spent many successful years as the world’s first underwater restaurant, with well-to-do patrons dining at tables set in the arches at the sides of the tunnel. When the restaurant came to an end, the tunnel was turned into an underwater market. Finally the space was used as the world’s first underwater fairground … but gradually the tunnel went into decline. It then lay empty for many years before finally being adopted by the East London Railway which eventually became the London Underground. When I went there it was possible to book a special tube train which went slowly through the original Brunel tunnel, which was lit up especially for the trip, meaning that the brickwork could be seen in all its glory… and it was so easy to visualise what it would have been like to dine, shop or go on a fairground ride all those years ago … Now I think they have opened the space up and it is possible to walk through the tunnel.

Love Bright xx