hair loss???

Shell, have you chased em up yet for surgery date, surely they won;t want you on morephine for 2 long it’s horrid. I’m there again tomorrow. do post if you have any update on your surgery, thinking of you!

Caron, guess wot I’ve been doing all afternoon, me and little lady have made your yummy choccy cake for my husbands birthday on wednesday. not iced it yet though. do u think it will be ok if i wrap it in foil and then ice tomorrow too knackered now! I/ve got my next chemo, if bloodds ok, next mon. It’s my final FEC before TAX starts 3 weeks later! Still got my eyebrows and lashes at mo but onc told me will go straight away on TAX. I’ve been really unwell this cycle. I’ve had fluey symptons almost every day, my worse day being Thursday when I didn’t get out of bed all day!!! Didn’t start feeling normal again till day 13. I completely walked the first bout of FEC but I gotta say I’m dreading Mon!

Bright, thank you so much for message re wig! am looking into it but head very sore at the moment and my OH doesn’t think it’s a good idea to stick it to it? I’m going to call them to discuss.

Having an early one, night night everyone!
Jo X


Jo- I rang the Marsden on Friday to chase up my op appointment,BN says she is on to it so don’t worry(i do though) she said she would ring me as soon as she knows anything…Whats the point in having a pre op assessment if the op is going to be done weeks after,things may of changed by then???

Well yesterday my hubby had to ring me an ambulance, i could not stop being sick and i thought my head was going to explode as it felt full of pressure…I was sweating and couldn’t stand up…

Anyway at the hospital they gave me some anti-sickness drugs and some Diclofenac,after about 4 hours i felt ready to come home.
I had a bad reaction to the Morphine i had taken the night before so i wont be taking that again.

After my op(no date yet) if in cant have Morphine to ease the pain what other stuff can they give me??? I’m also allergic to Codeine…

Caron- Sundays are my busy day too…Ironing,dinner then kids uniform,showers and lunches…its never ending.

Hope all the ladies are doing ok today…

Thinking of you all


Hi Jo yes the cake will be ok even if you put the icing on ( the topping really tastes like Dime bar !!! YUM ).

There must be other stuff they can give you Shell ?? ( I don’t know what though soz ).

Jo I am dreading next Wednesday too and Ive still got another to go after that ! then Tax starts oh Joy ! but I am thinking I felt like that maybe because I hadn’t eaten?
so I will make sure I eat next time and I am thinking that I might take a anti sickness pill before I go? I walked the first lot ( EC ) too.So Bright STOP WORRYING !

Shell Diclofenac’s are to take swelling down make sure you eat on them ( they can cause ulcers ( stomach ))
I bet your hubby was worried sick when you had to get a ambulance .

I didn’t sleep well last night I woke at 5am and couldn’t get back to sleep ( and I had my nytol ! )

The woman who said she knew there was something wrong with me said to Steve I have a really good feeling about Caron ( phew ! hope she’s right ! )

SHELL I kept meaning to tell you but kept forgetting ! that Owen got his school to say a prayer for you, I thought that was really nice of him to think of you ! he goe’s to a catholic school although we are not catholic but it is a really good school ( not full of chavs ! ).
Anyway thats me done for now take care ALL Love Caron xx

Hi people,
Feel a bit more human today. Spent most of the weekend in bed. Day 5.6,7 of Herceptin/Tax…got very aching flu like symptoms…couldn’t get my body comfortable…bad back ache etc… Decided to just give in to it especially as did not want a return to hospital thank you very much. Anyway, I think giving in paid off as am feeling better…although mouth getting sore now and have my usual chemo cough But feel more human in many ways than I did on FEC (not so much chemo fog, apart from the tummy troubles and appetitie a bit down …it’s more physical I guess) this time. Am going to get out for walk today as it looks nice outside. Am wondering if these are tax or Herceptin side effects???

Eyelashes started coming out on FEC and are continuing. Stilll have eyebrows at the moment… hopeless at makeup…so who knows what I’ll end up doing with an eybrow pencil!!! Thinking that maybe I’ll just start wearing a bag on my head…it will be much easier , (I can recycle) , won’t have to worry about wigs, spots, the fact my lips are peeling etc and as an added bonus … Kai can help decorate it! Fun for all the family.

Been watching celebrity BB. Honestly!!! They can’t cope with 2 weeks in a house together. Makes me so so cross…I shout at the TV …but still watch it.

Shell… So so sorry to hear about your bad reaction. I have a vague notion that codeine and morphine are related (but I may have dreamt that)…perhaps there are painkillers from a different group?? Or maybe they got the dose wrong??? I am feeling for you!!! Hope the hospital gets its finger out and sorts your date out very soon.

Caron - I think you should work on a recipe book… “Cooking thorugh Chemo”… recipes to tantalise, stimulate and indulge!

After reading your posts, realised that I have 2 more chemos left…so I am more than half way through (still not sure if it’s doing anything that much…am getting lots of aching and tingling in breast this time)… feels good to be near the end of this lot of treatment though. I am planning a positive Summer with lots of fun…so that is my aim. Well that and organising Caron’s book promotion tour …!!!

Much love all,


Just been reading this thread and decided to comment, it’s good to know that some people have the same side effects, I was Diagnosed 22nd Sept, inflammatory breast cancer, 15cm x 12 cm, started FEC on 10th Oct which I had 4 of, (was really lucky felt neither up or down) and last week started Herceptin on the Monday and Taxotere on the Tues, felt fine until the Thurs afternoon when my body started to tell me it was knackered. Sat my body started aching and yest my back was killing me just like pains from a bad period but without the period. Mouth is really dry this time and ulcers are awful, drinking plenty of water but still not helping, have now put lolly stick things in freezer with fruit juice in them, once set I’ll try sooking on them. Maybe help my chemo cough also. I had bad constipation while on FEC now it seems to be going the other way, also pains in stomach are awfull. Have lots pain and tingling in breast. Next dose is 2nd and 3rd Feb then see Oncologist again to see what next, prob book me into see surgeon again also.

My hair started to fall out after 3rd FEC, before this I got my hair cut really short and then once it started falling out i decided to shave it all off, I started with number 3 then just thought to hell with it just go for it, just felt it was all part of the process. I have a wig which I wear when I’m out for a night out and wear scarves during the day. I was actually in pub on Sat night, I got so hot that I eventually had to take the wig off, felt funny at first then the amount of people who gave me positive comments really boosted my confidence, it felt great.

I also have loads people saying prayers for me and giving me holy gifts even though i am not catholic, but i really appreciate it, thought it as really sweet and kind.

I know myself that surgery will prob happen in March, still a long way to go but we will all get there in the end

Good luck to you all and it’s great to read your stories, although not good that we all have to got through what we are going through.
Hope I can keep in touch

Sharon xx

Hope you

Yeah hello Sharon you did exactly the same as me cutting hair short first then shaving .
Hope your treatment is going to plan Shell has got IBC too , has your tumor shrunk at all ?? you were diagnosed two months before me and mine is (was) 11x9cm
although last time had it measured it was 9x7 so hopefully …

Gail & Sharon I didn’t know you get a chemo cough ( not looking forward to that one then ) and I have already got a bloomin bad back !!!

Next week me & Steve have been married 15 years (crystal) and we usually go out for a meal to the Hainton (carvery ) but I won’t be well enough ( BOO HOO ) as I am having my chemo next Wednesday ! so I will wait a week see how things go and maybe go the week after ??? I will wear my wig that I got from the hospital it is very nice and much like my own hair was .


serves4 2tbsp crushed mixed peppercorns
4 fillet steaks ( any steak cut will do ! )
50g/ 2oz butter
2tsbsp olive oil
225g/8oz chestnut mushrooms (sliced) ( u can use ordinary)
1 garlic clove peeled & crushed
75g/3oz stilton (cheese) grated
150ml/1/4 pint single cream
2 tsp dijon mustard
fresh chives ( optional ) to garnish

  1. place peppercorns on a plate then press steaks on both sides to coat them
  2. preheat grill until hot heat 1/2 butter & 1tbsp olive oil in large frying pan & saute mushrooms & garlic for 4 mins until softened remove from pan & put aside.
  3. Add remaining butter & olive oil to pan add steaks & cook on each side 2 mins 4 rare 3 mins for medium & 4 well done ( or until u like it ! )
    remove from pan remove from pan place on grill top with mushrooms & scatter over cheese & grill for 2 mins until cheese starts to melt .
  4. add cream & dijohn mustard to frying pan heat gently stirring meat juices place steaks on plates & drizzle with peppercorn sauce , top with fresh chives ( if you have any ). eat enjoy !!!

this is one of my favourite recipes !!! try it it’s lovely I do have more where they came from !!! love Caron x

A big “THANK YOU” to Owen for saying a prayer for me.

Hi and welcome to Sharon,i to have IBC but chemo hasn’t shrunk my tumor so I’m waiting for an op date.

Talking of op dates…I have just spoken to my surgeons secretary,my op will probably now be in the 1st week of February!!! It should of been this week…I am so frustrated with all this waiting and running about.Why couldn’t they have told me this when i saw the surgeon on the 5th January. And what does PROBABLY mean??? another uncertain time,more time for me to worry again…

Sorry for sounding off I’m just so frustrated with it all. They led me to believe my op would take place this week…I just feel so angry with the system…Arrrggghhhh… i could scream…

Take care ladies


Honestly!!! These people have no idea sometimes. This is when you feel like just a number isn’t it!!! (Similar to my “by the way you have another lump” telephone conversation!!! You have every right to be angry. BUT the really great news is that it is getting closer to getting the stuff out of you. Can you speak to the surgeon himself and press for an end to the probably (pushing your mental anquish???) and probs with the painkillers!!).
You shouldn’t apologise for sounding off. This is why we are all here… go and have a scream and shout !!!


Hi Ayojoy & everyone else. Just checking out the hair loss site (just in case) I don’t really know what will happe to me but (& I know it’s silly) but losing my hair is terrifying me. Do you lose ALL body hair (if so I won’t bother de fuzzing my legs!!!) I read that you lost your eyebrows. My friend is a beautician & she tatoos eyebrows & eyeliner on, so realistic, I had my eyeliner done last year as I am allergic to eye make up & it is wonerful, I never have to worry about putting on eyemake up. So if worst happens I can have eyebrows!!

Love all the recipes, I have a restaurant so when I’m feeling more up to it will do them all as specials & donate the profits to breast cancer care!!!


Gail- I am waiting for the BN to get back to me as i want to tell her i need a date…not a probably…a date…
I have 3 children to organise and as i can no longer take the Morphine I’m suffering with the pain from IBC…plus stress and worry.

Bright- Caron sent me the two photos of you, wow your hair is long…

Magel- Hello…and what a lovely idea to cook some specials and do it for charity…that’s fab…

Hope every one is ok


Shell- good. I think it’s ridiculous to be expected to work towards a “probably”. Hopefully, the BCN can put some fire under them. You should be a higher priority than others. Let us know how you get on. They should be trying to avoid you getting stressed!!

Magel - are you wearing the cold cap during chemo?? I’ve had 3 FEC and 1 Tax and wore coldcap and have some hair left. Eyelashes are going. Eyebrows still here at the moment. Haven’t noticed my legs…but I think they are thinner in terms of hair…but they get negelcted during the winter months anyway!! (Such a slob!!) “Lady garden” def thinning out (is that too much info??). I read the recent interview with Jade Goody (couldn’t help myself) and she talks about the hair loss quite openly and honestly. It’s not silly. It’s the physical representation of what’s going on… I think it’s normal for us to feel like this. After all, most of us didn’t feel ill when diagnosed! I have a real problem with wearing bandanas for example Prob be better in the Summer. But at the moment, I feel like I’m ill when I wear them…!!

Love the recipe idea too!!! Caron - you’re becoming a legend!!! If only I could cook!!!

Night night,

Well ladies…

Just had a call from the hospital BN…op booked for 6th February…Not got it in writing yet though so i wont hold my breath…
Just wanted to share my news with you all.


Dear all,

Just a quick hello as have been at work all day and then spent the evening with my former partner and cat. I need to go to bed early as have appointment in the morning where I will learn the results of bone and ct scans. I am expecting bad news as noone has phoned me which I think they often do if scans are clear. This whole disease is so awful. Today I have a good prognosis providing the chemo works (mastectomy was clear at the margins) - but may all change tomorrow… I am going in to the apt with the worst possible mindset which should reduce possible sense of devastation if the results are bad.

On hairloss, I have read a study from about ten years ago which showed the cold cap can be very effective in hair loss. I have also found from speaking to other people on this site that most hair loss comes from combing and washing the hair. On this basis my plan to try to keep more of my hair is as follows: use cold cap (wet and apply leave in conditioner) - do as little as possible with the hair and apply lace based wig I have bought (designed to stay attached to the head for up to a month - and has breathable cap), take off wig on next day of chemo - dampen hair, apply conditioner (but refraining from causing any stress to the roots), put on cold cap … and so on. I’ll let you know how I get on.

shell you really do need to press for a date - hospital had whole range of pain killers - there was a strong codeine one I remember…

caron, is your wig really as long as your own hair was? Didn’t think they made wigs of 31 inches? My hair is currently 28inches - and my wig is about that length too.

I’ll write more tomorrow.

Love Bright x


Thank god your date is through surely it will stay, I can’t wait to see surgeon again to find out what’s happening with me, it’s the not knowing that starts to get annoying isn’t it, you just feel like your sitting around when you shoukld be doing something or people should be telling you things, then sometimes maybe no news is better???
The FEC didn’t reduce my cancer but I can feel the difference with the Taxotere.

Good luck with the Op, be thinking of you

Caron- cough starts a few days after chemo and last for few days, sounds like a bark sometimes but then goes.

Sharon x

Shell, thank goodness you’ve got a date but still a blooming long way off though, have they said if Fulham or Sutton yet, hope it’s sutton it would be lovely to come and see you if you’re up to it. wot are you doing for pain relief now then, are they just giving you Diclofenic for pain and is it actually helping? Hope you’re ok, thinking of you!

Gail, I’m ashamed to admit i’m addicted to Celeb BB, even though it’s absloutely dreadful it helps me to forget my situation, well that and a packet of jaffa cakes!

Caron, yummy choccy cake looks very yummy and can’t wait for OH’s birthday tomorrow, when we can all tuck in!!

Off to bed!
night night

Morning ladies

Jo- They didn’t say which hospital so i presume it will be in Fulham Road. I don’t think the Diclofenac is working as this morning my boob is throbbing like mad…and driving me mad…Arrrggghhh!!!
I wish my appointment was sooner. I am going to ring the Bcn this morning and tell her about my reaction to Morphine.

Bright- Caron posted me 2 photos of you, you look great and your hair is soooo long,i can see why you want to keep it.
Op date 6th Feb…Thinking of tou this morning…Fingers crossed your scans are clear… Good luck Bright.xxxx

Sharon_ thanks for tour support, hope you sail through your Taxotare…it can be a bit of a bugger,that chemo…Good luck…Do you know when you will have your surgery?

Im off to ring the Bcn now,speak to you later…


shelly - been thinking about your hot boob - no don’t laugh…I used to be a midwife and if the cold things help this might do - an old midwife that I was very fond of used to recommend freezing big cabbage leaves and then putting them over yer boob for mastitis - suppose you could try it on & off - though do take them off pre-sex as it won’t be much of a turn on… (thats not the old midwife bit thats me - I can vaguely remember sex before all this started…) ;)) Mary x

Hi Guys,
Just typing this while catching up on celeb BB (!!!). I have got terrible addictions to bad TV (Come done with me, Masterchef, Project Runway, CSI, BB, NCIS) - it’s like a release and when I can’t sleep…I just watch it like a drone. Stops my silly brain thinking too much!

Sharon - we seem to be mirroring each other. You had Herceptin and Tax same days at me (I had 4 FEc before) and I have my next dose on 3rd Feb. You also seem to have the same side effects as me and similar timing!!! I’ve had chemo cough every time - feels like something is just irritated . I’ve been using the mouthwash (difflam or something) which seems to be helping my mouth. Otherwise, I just can’t be bothered to get out and about at the moment. Hoping I will change by the weekend. make sure you keep in touch here - will be good to share symptoms!!! I don’t think I see the surgeon until mid Feb and I anricipate surgery mid March (In time for my little boy’s 4th bday). have been having lots of tingling in my good breast too which is worrying… FEC didn’t do much. Not sure about this one…things feel softer I think, but could be in my head!

Bright - good luck for your appointment. We know they don’t remember to phone for little things like surgery dates and other news, so don’t read too much into anything!!! Let us know how you get on. Please don’t panic! Easier said than done I know!! Thinking of you.

Shell- Fab news. At last!!! Must be such a relief for you. So pleased it has been sorted.


LOL Mary, you’ve made me smile.I will try the cabbage leaves,anything for the pain. I cant remember sex either,im sure it will come back to me though!!!

Gail- I love Come dine with me and watch the 6.30 show every night, i love it when they get all catty with each other,like last night…“its Nigel,Nigel,Nigel” ooooh get back in your pram!!! Get a life!!!

I have just spoken to the Bcn and she says i must persevere with the Dicloflec until my op…i cant have an earlier date as its not possible, so i must suffer the pain as i am allergic to Codeine,Tramadol and Morphine…She wouldnt say that if she was in this much pain!!! oh and i can always go back to my GP for any more pain relief…I don’t think there’s much more he can recommend for me.

Speak to you later, im going to find something to punch.LOL.


hahahahah I love watching Come Dine with me and last night was so funny,(Bernard can’t stand being centre of attention), we can get at laugh a crap T.V.
Haven’t a clue when I’ll get surgery, next tax is 3rd Feb then I’ll see oncologist again then onto surgeon. It’s a waiting game

Sharon x