hair loss???

Hi girls,

Sorry to go so quiet. Just had my down time again. As soon as I come off the steroids I seem to get so low. Spent a lot of time crying, being angry and feeling defeated…but am now perkier!!! had to take monster to a pirate party yesterday, so that brought me out a bit!!! But… one of the other Mums turned out to be an oncologist at my hospital…yikes!!!
Caron - you have so much going on espec with your nephew too. Glad to hear things are shrinking. Re: big lump. My surgeon says that they can be affected by the treatment in different ways. It might not shrink, but it might still be dying inside.
Andie - can’t believe it all happened so quickly. I know I have to be in for about 4 days…standard on the ward. Well done you. Hope you continue to heal well.
Jo hope you are feeling better! What a nightmare.

I have my pre op stuff tomorrow…dreading it obviously…as know I will be in tears yet again…but hopefully I will get a bit more used to the hospital and cope a bit more with phobia stuff. Just feels too real. Haven’t really prepared myself for the op properly. Just keep looking at all the clothes I won’t be able to wear anymore!!! But…on the other hand…will be good to get the nasties out of me (fingers crossed)!!! Thanks for the insights about the operation… Kathy. I think dealing with my bouncy 4 year old will be my greatest challenge!!!

We find out about schools for little monster this week…can’t believe he isn’t my baby anymore and will be leaving nursery. I’ll be one of those wailing mothers at the school gates in September!!!

Much love to all,


Hi Girls

No Caron I am not in pain at all but have been advised for the moment to take the prescribed painkillers regardless which I am doing. I still have 3 drains in place but I have been told that because I have had my chemo before surgery it is not unusual for the drains to take longer to clear than normal.It is just a nuisance to have to remember that you have to take them with you wherever you go. Also I have been told to wear the really sexy surgical stockings for at least 2 weeks. My arm mobility is a lot better that I expected. I can lift my arms above my head easily and with no pain at all. I do have rather a lot of bruising but I suppose thay is to be expected.
The dressings will come off on day 5 so then I will get to have a look at the scars.

OH is being amazing- I am supervising a full roast chicken meal at the moment followed by chocolate profiteroles. He has taken all next week off work to continue with the household chores.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend


ahhh andie - can you send him round to me when he’s done??!! Glad you’re doing well!! mary x

So pleased you’re doing well andie, and being spoilt too :slight_smile:
Jackie x

Oh, those drain bags! I kept forgetting mine, and they don’t half give you a sharp reminder. It was such a wonderful releif to finally get shot of it. I’m still wearing the stockings - they were really itchy at first, but I’ve rolled them down and rubbed some cream into my legs every few days, so they don’t feel so bad now. Better that than clots!

Hello girls,

Andie - we are having roast chicken this evening too, but not the profiteroles (I wish!) - very glad to read how well you are coping even with the drains.

Caron - so Grimsby has moment of fame, or should I say infamy. Pleased that no one was hurt in the process.

Jo - so sorry Tax has been difficult - some of us still have the start of Tax to come, just hope things pick up for you, and we can avoid the low blood count. No abnormal bleeding for during FEC, just normal periods.

Shell… hope you are okay…

Yesterday we went to Croydon just to look at the sping lines and I bought some things in Monsoon - has to be my favourite clothes shop in the world. And today was just a walk through Clapham Common old town - where it is fun to look in on all the rich people having their Sunday lunch through the kitchen and dining room windows in their grand Georgian houses bordering the common.

Gail - I’ve been feeling a bit depressed too and kind of weepy. I think it is a combination of the drugs and in my case reading some of the secondaries sites - just wondering what may be ahead. But I am going to stop that now - as the stats say that three quarters of bc sufferers survive the disease… and with treatment getting better all the time, hope that proportion goes up even more.

Have a good evening. Love Bright xx

Hi girls,
Wow Andie out allready,you must be super woman…

I have been out today and bought 2 t-shirt bras as my remaining boob looks a little saggy compared to my cumfi boob so a t-shirt bra makes them look the same size…I feel better wearing these bras.

My little boy wanted a hamster all to him self as my other 2 boys have them.We got him one today and hes called it Kung Foo…lol

Hope your all well ladies…


Hi girls,
Andie, I’m so pleased you’re home and doing well.

Caron, a bilateral mastectomy is when you have both boobs removed.
I had cancer in my right side. The left side was clear. It was my decision to have the bilateral, just to reassure myself that I wouldn’t get it in the other side.

Gail, and all those facing surgery, I, like Andie, didn’t feel any pain. I’m a month on, and being drained every few days and I can’t feel a thing as I’m still numb.

Shell, I hope you’re not overdoing it especially with children to look after.

I do admire all of you with children especially when you’re having chemo. How do you cope? I had 4 of own , I used to teach infants, I
don’t know how you do it!

Love to all, Kathy

Hi guys,
Well broke down in the ward today when i went for my pre op visit!!! But…recovered well. Staff were very nice. Ward is just for “breast ladies” and very small and friendly. They said i would come in on the Monday and be out on the Friday (hopefully). That’s their standard way and they close at weekends…so hopefully I will be Ok to come out or it could be lonely!!! They are taking my “hospital issues” seriously so that’s good.

Kathy - I have been thinking about my other breast, but they told me to do one thing at a time. Might email you to chat more about how you made your decision…would that be OK?

Tax chemo is behaving at the moment. Just the aches to contend with so far. Will no doubt feel knackered this week, but felt vaguely OK today. I think I still prefer it to FEC!

Bright - glad it’s not just me getting down. I read too many forums I think and imagine futures. Not good! I just long to be normal again!!!

Better go. I hear my monster!!! As some of you know I’ve had problems with aggressive chocolate in the past. Yet again… it’s happening. A box of milk tray just forced itself down my throat. What is a girl to do???

Much love to you all,

Hi Gem - I sympathise with the chocolate mugging, I have a similar problem with my local Druckers. There’s a kinda magnetic forcefield that grabs me as I to try to walk past - much as I may struggle, there’s simply no resisting it!

As for the hospital monster, just take it one day at a time. If it’s anything like my local, all the staff are extremely kind and gentle, and take pride in making it as comfortable as possible. And modern medicine has come on so much - I was really anxious about the anaesthetic, having had a bad experience in the past, but it was a doddle!

And if you feel panic coming on, just concentrate on breathing slowly in through your nose and out through your mouth, and thinking about something nice… like chocolate.


Gail I also had cancer in one breast and opted to have the other removed at my request. I Have posted you privately to tell you of my reasoning.

Having just come out of hospital I can only say that the staff were wonderful and did everything to make the stay as pleasant and comfortable as possilble. Its natural to worry but everything will be OK.

Also a side effect of surgery- chocolate just seems to appear back at home begging to be taken seriously, aided and abetted by friends and neighbours.

Take Care


I didn’t know you had both removed too.
Hope everyone is ok?
Betty was naughty yesterday so I put her in the garden anyway a while later I went in the kitchen and Betty was in there!!!
She used the catflap!! ( wish I had seen her ) lol
Not doing much today just lazing! but I have been gardening and I think I am scisssor ( secerteer) happy !!
right must go coffee calling love Caronx

Hello everyone,

Just working from home before hospital visit this afternoon for a second scan of fibroids this afternoon. I already had this done - but same request came from two different depts in the hospital, and just going again so that I can say I have kept all my appointments.

I went to plastics clinic yesterday to get implant inflated again (another 100ml) and consultant looked at my bad arm and said it was not cellulitis but a burn resulting from FEC (Epirubin probably) leaching out of my veins into the skin. Apparently it is more common that I thought - and he said it was because the small veins in the back of the hand cannot always cope with transportation of the caustic drugs. He said he has seen many cases before and it will be a good six weeks more for it to heal. It is now quite itchy rather than burning which is apparently a good sign and there is new skin forming under the burnt patches. Tomorrow I am going for the PICC line to be fitted. This should reduce the reccurrance of chemo burn, but will not completely guard against it. Apparently it is all in our veins - how strong they are etc.

I have just spent the last ten minutes teasing out my hair (and virtually no loss except where I unpicked a few tangles) and just debating whether I can dare to rinse it. I may do just on the top of my head - as hair is currently coated in two lots of leave in conditioner. It has gone into self clean mode however (six weeks since washing) - and is beginning to look quite glossy. Still mentally preparing myself for the possible total shedding of my locks on the Tax - though I try to travel hopefully.

Andie - glad you are still doing well post surgery.
Gail - no matter what you think the surgery will be fine - so straightforward
Shelly - good to read from you and that you have bought new bras. i keep looking at them in the shops but not going to do anything until after final surgery. Have you managed to look at your scar yet? It really does fade in eight weeks or so - mine is a pink line now.
Jo - hope you are recovering from Tax and low blood count
Caron - thinking of the moggies and Betty…

Just debating what to have for supper - I sense a baking phase coming on. I am thinking of making a fish pie without the prawns, and possibly a fruit crumble for pudding.

Love Bright xx

Just to write that follow-up ultrasound of womb and ovaries etc showed nothing untoward except that I do have a fibroid. It is external to the womb - and consultant said I do not need any operations to remove it. She also tried to take a smear test - but fibroid prevented this. So the plan is when I have follow-up surgery for reconstruction the smear test will be done at the same time - as it needs to be done under general anaethestic.

Bright x

That’s good news, Bright - it’s enough to be worrying about your boob, without having to worry about your other bits.

Aww poor you Victoria,
so does that mean every time you have to have a smear you will have to be put under?
Did they say how large it was???

Update on Marc they say that if left Marc will die and the surgeon said if it was him removing the tumor then he wouldn’t do it as he thinks Marc will die, but another surgeon is on holiday and he will be back next week and it’s up to him weather he wants to risk it or not, but I don’t think they will operate.

Betty was in trouble again so I put her out and she went in the kitchen again !! so she has learnt to use catflap .

Jo how are you now?? you have got your next lot Monday haven’t you?
hope your over your first lot???

Shelly where are you ??? you also have your scan soon don’t you hope that all goes well.
well thats me for now Victoria when you having your bloods? today or tomorrow? love Caronx

Hi girls,

Caron - this stuff about Marc is so so sad. Your family are really going through it at the moment. Betty sounds like she is keeping you occupied though.

Bright - poor you, but glad nothing too nasty is going on.

Hope everyone is doing OK and healing well. Shell - you OK??

Nothing to report here. Stll feel unusually OK with the Tax chemo…am waiting for the horror to kick in. Off to nutter doctor tomorrow and then MRI on Friday. Hate them so much. Then I think I have a week off appointments before the dreaded day. But you have all made me feel much better about surgery… Now… how do I get through the 4 year old’s birthday party this year without the aid of alcohol??


Caron, my heart really goes out to you and your family. /this situation with Marc is dreadful and effects the entire family. I can only imagine what it must be like as My nephew Finn, although he has his troubles, is at the moment doing quite well, but he’s only 2 so it’s still early days really to see what the cerebal pausey will bring later on dowm the road.

Have found that with the TAX, have been getting really quite depressed and so therefore have not been logging on quite so much. as i tend to start reading other threads and sometimes come across things i really wish I hadn’t. it’s strange how people keep telling me that with only 2 more chemo’s to go that the end is in sight. it’s only really now that it’s nearly over, you realise that no actually this is only the beginning! I’m not so worried about the rads, I don’t think, but I’m terrified now about the long term effects of taking tamoxifin. read last night, that your hair can fall out with is so does this mean then, that because i have to take it straight after chemo that my hair will never grow back???

Had to see ONC on Monday as a follow up after being in hospital. saw a different lady and she was very direct! so much so she made me cry as I told her about horrific bleeding i’ve had this last week and she said that if i was complaining about heavy periods then she would give me injections, zelodex i think, to shut down ovaries and bring on menopause. explained that side effects would be very harsh but it depends how badly i don’t want heavy bleeding again! For Goodness sake, are we not going thru enough bloody side effects with chemo and the emotional side of having cancer, and loosing a breast or in my case, a part of it, and the fact the when I was diagnosed my life was heading in a completely different direction as I was pregnant, now she wants to make me an old lady over night and absolutely no bedside manner about it. I went into that room terrified that cancer has spread to the ovaries or cevix and that’s whats caused the bleeding but she says she doesn’t know whats caused so lets switch ovaries off anyway, maybe should even consider having them removed! wow great!! because my cancer is oestrogen positive she thinks it would be for the best. How come no one has mentioned this before. And now to top it all my husband thinks that’s probably best option as well!!! He can’t quite understand the issue of me not only not wanting anymore surgery but the fact that I feel at 37 years old there are major issues about me not wanting to loose my ovaries as well as my nipple and of course my hair. why don’t dr’s and men see it that way??? Maybe you all think I’m mad and they’re right, but this is all really depressing I know that much!

Sorry about that rant and rave, but i feel a bit better now. Feeling so tired can’t believe I’ve gotta have next chemo on Mon, it’s come round really quickly this time, which is good i spose, well it would be if i didn’t feel so rubbish. Just hoping I don’t get the horrible allergic reaction with 2nd tax that Gail got, it’s my birthday on chemo day so don’t want to spend any longer at that place then is absolutely ness!!!

Caron you must have your first TAX on Wed?

Bright glad your ultrasound showed nothing serious, it’s given me a kick to demand an ultrasound when I see ONC on Monday!!

Gail, not sure it is possible to get thru 4 year old party without booze, do you have to then? Party is before the surgery isn’t it?

Shell, think you’re scanis Tuesday isn’t it. Good luck for whenever it is! thinking of you!

Take care Ladies
Jo X

Dear all,

Just a very quick update. Spent the whole day at the hospital. The main outcome is that my chemotherapy burn is the worst the oncology unit has ever seen, and they are going to run an inquiry. My chemo has been suspended until oncologist has a report back from the dermatologist and plastics consultant. I saw the dermatologist today - who promptly had to call a second consultant. They have advised against a PICC line going into chemo arm, but not good in other arm either as that’s side where I had nodes out. So it may be a hickman … just have to wait and see. Plastics is tomorrow - and then I see oncologist again next Thursday. In the meantime I have to have my arm dressed daily though have the equipment to do it at home. I’ll let you know how I get on. Also had to get my arm photographed in hospital so progress can be measured. Here’s a recent shot.

I am likely to be left with a scar - and will take about eight weeks to heal.

Sorry Jo about your latest turn of fate. You could ask for an ultrasound to double check your ovaries. Hope everything gets resolved.

Caron - thinking about Marc - such a difficult time.

Cannot type more now as arm is aching!!!

Have a good evening.

Love Bright x

Bright you never put your picture of your arm on ???
Victoria was told her arm was celulitis but I did ask if she was sure the cannula was in correct? and did it burn? , anyway she sent me another pic I told her it was getting worse!!! anyway good job she got iit checked as the chemo has gone in her arm and not her vein!!, it looks terrible now.

Jo you rant as much as you want !! I know what you mean about your ovaries and starting the menapause, for some reason my mother seems to delight in telling me I am flushing and so on !!!

Jo when Marc was younger say 2/3 years old he was much better than he is today he used to walk with a frame but he has deteriorated alot now and has no strengh now, he used to eat but he can’t now as the food kept going into his lungs and causing phnumonia so he has a line now in his stomach , but don’t worry about your nephew as they don’t all deteriorate and they never expected him to live this long.
If I was my sis I would push for the op she has no choice other than watch him die, ( poor mite has had a crappy life! ) and as my sis said she thought it would be the C P that finished him not a tumor.

Just spoken to Victoria I told her her arm is melting !!!

Right well thats me done for now night night love Caronx