hair loss???

So do I ( she is my fav cat as well !! )

I will tell you a funnu story one morning I got up on a dark winters morning !
I turned the kitchen light on what did I see???
There on the floor was something long & yellowish moving !

Steve rushes down picks it up " thats not a snake it’s a EEL " !!
( oh well sorry I didn’t expect it on my kitchen floor!)
So Steve puts it in water anyway takes it to the river Freshney lets it go !!

Think it was Marble who had got it brought it in through the catflap!!!. lol ( did think it was a snake thought it was upside down).

Then there was another time Marble seemed to know when it was going to be nice weather and would disappear for a couple of days.
This one time she comes back with all bobbles in her fur (you know the sort the kind kids throw at each other and they stick )
So Marble comes back her paw was swollen & she kept licking it so we took her to the vets ( PAV is his name ) anyway he says " I think she has been bitten by a adder, we thought he was pulling our leg but he wasn’t the bite went through her paw and it had the right teeth marks ( apparently ) anyway took her ages to get better from that too !!! CATS EH !!!

Hi Caron

Cats are very special animals. Thinking of you tonight while you are worrying.


Caron, poor marble. They are a worry aren,t they? I remember when my Bennie got bitten when he was a kitten. He was bitten by my next door neighbours old Cat who broke in through the cat flap and terrorized him in his own house, he then got a really nasty infection and almost didn’t make it!

Bright, wot a nightmare! It’s so frustrating this whole disease, just when you feel you are making good progress, you get setbacks! Try and make it a positive though and think to yourself that you,ve got a bit of extra time to feel normal before feeling ropey again with next hit of chemo!
Jo X

setbacks TELL ME ABOUT IT!!

Probably my own fault?? as I got my ablutions and tidied round and did some washing, I thought I was on the mend ie my throat only felt like sandpaper when I swollowed and not rose thorns.
Anyway been in agony all night again ! pains came back ans the throat came back with vengence! so been awake with that all night not to mention Tommy TIT !!! ( as if things can’t get better!).
So this morning I shouted (well squawked) Chloe to please please make me a cuppa! which she did bless her that was drinkable I won’t mention the coffee she made!!! (YUK).

PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS Green tea is supposed to have anti cancer things in so I have been drinking that (twinings) it taste’s just like normal tea( maybe a bit weaker ).

I am in bed today again now.

I have been worrying about Marble too, I have to ring them this afternoon .

hope everyone is ok?? love Caronxxx

Hi ladies

Sorry to hear about your cat caron…poor thing.

I havnt caught up with every ones posts yet but i will asap…

Iv been a bit down in the dumps for the last few days…

On Friday when i went to see my surgeon for my biopsy he told me the cancer was back…Its in my chest wall, skin, lymph nodes and the blood stream which indicates i may have an organ infected, i have some pain in my kidneys at the mo so on pain relief for that,Im waiting for a date for a CT scan and bone scan…

My surgeon has told me i have a minimum of 6 months to live,my body keeps rejecting treatment and the cancer is spreading like a fire inside me…

Im devestated and dont know what to say or do at the mo…

Thinking of you all.



Hi Shellyface

So sorry to hear of your recent diagnosis. If you need a good independent ‘listening ear’ don’t forget the helpline staff are here for you. 0808 800 6000, calls are free.

Take care,
Jo, Facilitator

Hi Shelley,

Sorry to hijack your thread, I do read it often and have been wondering how you were. I am so sorry to hear of your prognosis, I can’t think of anything helpful or intelligent to say but having read your journey and friendship with the other ladies on this thread I hoped you wouldn’t mind me just sending you some cyber hugs ((((((((((())))))))))))

Thanks ostrich, hugs are very welcome.


Oh Shell, I’m so sorry to read your news, I’ve been thinking of you all the time and only said to Michael this morning that I wanted to text you, but it’s so difficult to know what to say or do for the best. I don’t want to intrude as I’m sure you have a lot to think about, how is your husband? I hope that he’s being as strong as he can be for you and you for him? There is nothing that I can do to help, I know that, but please Shelly you have my mobile number and anytime you feel like a chat, please please do call me. You are never far from my thoughts and I’m sending you lots of love and hugs!

Also to add that I’m not sure if you’ll need to, but if you do need to come down to the Marsden at any time, you know that I have a spare room here and you and your family will always be very welcome if you need somewhere to stay.

Big gentle hugs, Shelley - so sorry to hear that news. There’s really not much anyone can say, just to hope that every day you have with your hubby and sons is sweet and sunny.

Hi Shelly

Just wanted to add my love and support along with all the others here. Anything at all that we can do just ask

Love and Hugs


Hi Shelly

I’m not a regular poster to the thread, but I do read it and have been thinking of you. I’m so sorry to hear your news, I just want to add my love and support to you and your family. {{{hugs}}}

Gennie xx

Dear Shelley,

I think about you lots of times every day, and just pray that you will get some better news about bc and treatment options at soon. You know that you can phone me at any time - even if it is late at night. You are a lovely lady and incredibly brave, you really are - and it puts our other problems into a very insignificant category. If there is anything at all I/we can say or do - please just ask.

And I just hope they hurry up and give you your rads…

Much love Victoria xxxxx

dear Shelly,
I’m so sorry to hear your news. My thoughts AND PRAYERS ARE WITH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY NOW,
with love

Shellyface I don’t know what to do for you??
Words will not change your CRAP news.
God I detest bloody cancer,
I now know why my surgeon chose the wording he did " ALL BC IS TREATABLE" yes bloody treatable but all that means is they are still treating it!!.
I know Dippykates friends all scour the net for her to see if there is anything she has not tried or even a different combination.
I know it won’t change thigs for you I truely wish it could
You need to keep badgering them for anything else or anything new you have not tried.
Did they not know this 4 weeks ago when you had your op?? .
I really really hope that the rads have a massive effect on it,
I really am lost for words I wish I could help you.
Love Caronxxxxx

an update on Marble she’s had her op (last night)they have put a stitch in she has to stay in a few more days then they are going to take the stitch out,
I asked why it keeps happening they said once it has happend then it is more likely to happen again.
I would have thought they would have done something else to stop it as I don’t want to keep putting her under as it’s dangerous for her.
I will ring up tomorrow to see how she is doing.
Love Caronxxxxx

Hi everyone,
just thought I’d write see how everyone is?
Goes without saying best wishes goes to Shelly , Simon & boys,
I can’t imagine your worst nighmare coming true and I have no clue how you are dealing with the terrible news, there is always hope and please god find something that works for you.
Dippykate is rallying round again and she has been fighting for a few years now , so hang on to that thought there could be something around the corner ( I really hope so and so do the other girls )
It seems so trivial now us writing about our aches and pains when you are going through such a terrifying time.

Marble is having her stitch out tomorrow but I don’t think she will be coming home until she has been to the loo! ( hope it doesn’t all fall out again ).
love Caronxx

Hello all,

Only a short post as feeing - typical post chemo effects (FEC number 3 today). Which I had after nearly 2 week delay waiting for arm to heal, 2 failed PICC lines and finally hickman line insertion yesterday (ouch). Feel like a victim of Dracula - as line goes in through the neck!

Going off now to look after my nausea.

Glad about Marble - she has a strong spirit.

Thinking of you all.

Love Bright xxxx

Got to write this !!
I am a fanatic about curry (the hotter the better) and I also am a massive fan of hot pepper sauce (very hot chilli).
Anyway we had a curry tonight (bought from Asda)mine was Rogan Josh anyway I thought there was something wrong ( I thought they had made a mistake ) because it was the hottest curry I have ever had, thing is it’s not I got Steve to try it and he said it is middle of the road curry (hotness).
And I couldn’t eat it !!! (it was just too hot) I have never had a curry that has been too hot before ,I have even been known to eat Vindaloo although I prefer Madras as it’s got more taste to it.
So it must be my mouth? (that I am having huge problems with).
Has anyone else noticed anything like this???
love Caronxxx


You curry encounter cheered me up. Not a good night for me - but somehow just seeing the sunshine first thing in the morning does something to lift the spirits…

Hoping the sunshine is reaching the towns and villages of you all.

Love Bright xx