hair loss???

Hi everyone been shopping today ( first time I have been out for ages ! ) Chloe went shoppping with her friends so I asked Steve when we had finished shpping if we could get Chloe a new Hamster the same breed as Champas you have to say it really fast and it’s pronounced champaas ! he is lovely champagne colour long haired hamster we also have lily but she is very friendly also but she is very old that is why we got Muffin she is the same breed as champaas anyway she was only 3 months old ( boo hoo ) when she died (if that ) so we never bred her cos Chloe wanted to wait till she was old enough.
Anyway we went to the pet shop and I picked a female long haired champaagne colour. Chlo fell in love when she saw her !I am really cheeesed off I have had all my hair cut off! ( it looks a mess )
Shell I will put a pic on facebook when I can get a decent pic of me Steve was taking some but I said don’t take any I don’t want him to !).
i don’t mind big dogs although I once was surrounded by a alsation and it wouldn’t let me move ! ( bloody thing ! ) but I thnk you will find no matter what size it is mostly how they have been brought up.
I have got 3 moggies though ( they can take themselves for a walk ! ( catflap ))
I have 2 girls Poppy ( she is boss , bit like felix too ) then I have Marble (who looks like marbel ! , and is fat and lazy tortoiseshell ) then I have 1 male called Minstrel also known as ( binny and minny ). when Steve got him he said I have been offered a blue cat female ! so I llet him bring her /him home only he wasn’t blur at all ! he was grey and white (Steve is colourblind ( oh did i forget to mention that !?)) anyway he went for his jabs ect then when he was 9 months old he /she went to be done ! vets rung up I thought there was something wrong !, vets sais " oh you know your female cat “?” i said yes ! well he said we have found a problem ! I am thinking oh he’s died ! oh no he says " Well she is actually a HE !
So not only did he not get me a blue cat it wasn’t even a female !!!
Anyway you can see Minstrel my non blue cat on /news my phots’s then on CATS search for MINNER ! and thats him in a pile of leaves that i had just chopped and he dived inthem with his head poking out ! have a look , tell me what you think lots of love Caron xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I am sorry it is your photos CATS search MINNY

Oh what a lovely cat…so cute and small… I did search for 15 mins though for MINNER,came back to BCC then found out its MINNY…LOL…

Caron - how short is your hair? Its a shock isn’t it? I never had mine cut until 2 weeks after chemo, i had to then as it was coming out… i got so upset, but now I’m just a baldy and used to it. Strange how you easily adapt to things that scare the shit out of you…

Its 6.20 and i cant sleep. Simon has gone to work and i feel all agitated,aggravated and on edge,don’t know why. Have been tossing and turning all night.My boob is throbbing hot and achy.AAaaarrrggghhhh
I wish i could just chop it off…

My mum,brother and niece are visiting me today from Shropshire, perhaps I’m excited!!! I hope have have some energy today and dont feel too sick. We always go to the pub for breakfast…yum…yum…

Gail - sorry to hear about the job, maybe you need this time to concentrate on yourself for getting better. Its boring at home i know but who knows what the new year will bring.

Bright - i am glad you have your partner looking after you, hope he is going to treat you like a princess???Only what you deserve…Good luck for Tuesday…

Im going to have a cuppa now so speak to you soon…


Andie - hope you don’t mind me asking?? how big was your tumor and how big is it now? You are due to see the surgeon in January arnt you, do you know if you will have a mastectomy or a lumpectomy?


Hi Shell

Ask what you like, no secrets here… When first dx they said it was a 10cm x 11cm mass with inflammatory bc. The breast was hot hard and covered in a red rash. Now the breast is soft again and no longer hotter than the good one. The red rash comes and goes. I really don’t know its current size but the oncologist who sees me every 3 weeks and measures it with a sort of gauge thing says it is definately smaller and an MRI I had between chemos 3 and 4 also reported that it is shrinking. I am a real worrier and feel the breast every day. I can still feel what to me seems like a very large lump but as they seem happy I try to trust them On good days I feel very positive that this thing is on the run. On bad days like today I cry a lot and imagine that it is still growing. Unfortunately at the beginning I saw a letter from my consultant to my GP which said ‘After chemo we may offer this patient surgery’. That statement has haunted me now for months. Why put ‘may’. The lump hasn’t gone, surely it should have said ‘will.’ My OH says I have misinterpreted the letter but I’m sure you will understand what goes through my head.

Really not having a good day today. I feel as if I am just marking time waiting, amd waiting and waiting. Its all out of my hands
Sorry to have a whinge. OH is good but he doesn’t know whats in my head

Andie xx

Hi all hope you are all ok today ?
Sorry Shell for looking for Minner when it should have been Minny !! ( lol ) yes he’s the blue (not ) female ( not ) cat !
Andie so if yours was 10cm that is 100mm then .
Also would you prefer to go for the mast or lump as I dont know you may think it better to have the mast ? cos if you had the lump wouldn’t you worry that they never got it all?
I knew even before I went to see the onc that I would be having mine lobbed off ! ( don’t know why I just knew ) I didn’t consider a lump at all not that I had any choice in the matter.
If you can tell ( yourself ) that it has shrunk then how long befor you can tell it is shrinking ???. mine is very wide I don’t kow how wide but it’s very wide !
I too thinkmine is growing every time I have a pain in it I think thats it growing !
They may not have decided on you about a mast or lump as they don’t know how much it will shrink I suppose so they might be hoping to get away with a lumpectomy ??
You can whinge all you like ( your entitled ! ) . btw Gemdancer that bit about the goldfish had me in hysterics !!!
love Caronxxx

YO !!!
where is every one today ??? I know it’s Sunday and all but where you all gone???
You are excused Shell cos I know you havr family round !! ( but he rest of you aint !!! LOL ).
How you all been today??? I have been ok was really funny cos I have a Sister called Cheryl ( who is older than me ) and a brother who is younger called Paul,
anyway Paul has always had things easy ( I don’t mean to sound horrible but he has , everything has gone his way ) Like when we were younger he had his girlfriend when he was 13 and he stuck to her ( they are married now ) he has never had to worry about money ( mind you he has worked for it too ) anyway he has always been my mothers favourite ( It really showed when we were kids we used to get hit , if he did anything she ( mother ) would always just laugh at him ! ).
Anyway my Sis Chez rang him after I had been diagnosed and said " I am really surprised you havn’t rung Caron " anyway he said " I don’t want to talk about it " so you could either take that 2 ways either he is upset and he can’t talk about it , OR he couldn’t give a nack ! ???.
Anyway he sent me a text today with a big heart in kisses and it said hugs ( Shell I sent you it ) in kisses and it said send this to someone you care about I JUST HAVE "
which was really nice cos he has got this arrogance about him that he won’t show how he is feelings.
Anyway I sent it back to him and said BACK AT YA !.
Steve rung my mother up today to tell her I wasn’t up and that I wouldn’t be going today ( Sunday is visiting day for me I have to go at 11 am to drink her disgusting coffee, it is ususlly cold as she makes it the night before and just warms in the microwave , I have been leaving more and more so I think she is getting the hint?? I asked her for tea 3 weeks ago but she said she has already made my yucky coffee ! , so I had to drink the damn stuff ! )
Anyway you know the other day when I was meant to go to the hospital for the blood test but I was too ill to go? well my mam said " I have to go for a cholesteral check , I will come with you " so I said " I don’t think I going to go today , I will leave it for another time " , anyway she said " oh it’s slippery outside ( skidding her foot on the path outside ) I think I will leave it till another day too "
So then she asks me for Friday I said " no I am still not well, I am not going today "
So then last night she rings me !!! says " I was thinking I have to go for my cholestral check and you have to go for your blood test you have to go on Monday Morning !, I said " NO I don’t have to go Monday morning I could even go on Tuesday if I wanted to "
Well she says " I was thinking Steve could take us ? " I said " No I was going to go on my own ( Steve works away and leaves at 9.45 am ) cos Steve will be working !" so she says " Well Steve can take us can’t he ?"
I said " No I was going to go on my own !! ( AGAIN !!! )
So then I explain that Steve will be working and he can’t be running us about ! so then she says ( wait 4 it ! )
Well Steve can take us when he on his way out of town ! ( the opposite way where he is going ! ) so I said ( yet again ) " no he can’t I was going to go on my own ! "
Anyway it’s all been quite a palava ! cos Chloe’s old teacher ( Mrs. Clay ) emailed me to ask if I would bve in Monday morning as she was coming down from the Yorkshire Dales to come and see me as well as her dentist appointment anyway I don’t want to miss her cos I only see her once a year ( if that ) she is really special to us she was my kids teacher and I really got on with her ( even though she is alot posher than us ! ).
So then I says to my mam I can’t leave till gone 10 am cos Daphne Clay is coming ! so then she says " Well I need to go earlier than that I can’t have nothing to eat or drink " !
( oh wot a shame i am sure she’ll be ok )
It’s all such a drama ! ( I am sure my mother thinks I am 11/12 still , she is dead domeneering !!! )
Anyway I eneded up doig dinner it’s a good job other wise it might not have been edible ! ??
Mind you I did give the kids Salmonella once ( but it wasn’t my falt , THATS MY SRORY AND I AM STICKING TO IT 1! )
I did them pancakes right nr pancake day only the egg had Salmonella ! Owen ended up in hospital ( he was the only one who thw doctor saw ) I said " I have 3 more at home like him ! )
I think it was cos he was the youngest??? but anyway we survived ! ( I never got it the only one too , cos Steve got it from Owen when he was in hospital cos Steve staayde with him over night cos I had 3 others at home ! ) Steve’s wasn’t bad he only knew coss he had a stool test ! I nrever had it cos we ate something different !.
Went off eggs for over a year after that ( I get them now though ).
God I do babble on don’t I write back so I know I’m not on my own !!!
Love Caronxxxx ( hope your days been ok Shell? )

I am going to bed now seen as ur all boring sods ! ( some are excused ( Shell )) anyway I am really tired ( hope I sleep tonight? )
I may not write in the morning ( i don’t know if I will have time with getting the kids off to school / college ) then I have to get ready myself for my bloods .
Don’t suppose I will find owt out tomoz ( I won’t put a question mark cos I know I wont ).
See you tomoz I will write when I come back from hospitsl probably around 11.30 / 12 ish ? (((((((((((((((((love ))))))))))))))))))))) caron Ps Copying off u Shell xxxx

Hi All, I’ve also had a rotten day, been on edge all day, expect it’s to do with op on Tues, thought I was fine about it. My husband picked up his mum this evening to help with the children & my mum ( who is 90) and lives with us. His mum is great, the kids love her & so does my mum. Have got all the decorations up so children happy! Cooked lovely roast today, usually try to avoid doing Sunday Lunch as much as poss! Have packed bag for hospital, will probably have to repack to check I’ve got what I need!?!

Sorry to have missed you Caron, hope tomorrow is better for you. I also love cats and have four, we started off with two, a white male with tabby tail (neutered) and a female tabby who has since had two litters, we kept a female tortoishell from her first litter and a gorgeous male beige tabby from her last litter. No more kittens for us though as both females now spayed.

Am also off to bed, taking Nytol, not sure if it works. Last bits of Christmas shopping tomoz!
Love Muv. x

Hello all,

Sorry to read that you are still in pain Shelley. Andie - I was brought down to earth when I saw letter from my consultant too - it is when you see the diagnosis in black and white - it brings it all home somehow. I know for you it was seeing only the option of surgery - for me it was seeing that sentinel node is positive. I immediately thought - well this must mean it has spread. Just wondering why they have taken no scans yet…

I’ve been busy most of the day, trying to take my mind of Tuesday. I finally bought nightwear - not very exotic, and rather old ladyish from a shop in Penge - and tried to cheer myself up with lunch in a cafe afterwards: just a tuna sandwich - but at least I didn’t have to make it! Then went to woolworths and bought some closing down decoration bargains - red and gold baubles for the tree and some wrapping paper.

Then I came home to do some work, nearly cleared everything until second week of Jan so feel quite pleased. I watched come dine with me (favourite programme on television), meditated for a while. And made chicken, leek and mushroom pie for supper.

I’ll write tomorrow - try to keep your spirits up. Just hoping that this time next xmas we are all on the road to recovery.

Bright xx

Hello (it’s me again )
wow what a thought ! for us all to be on the road to recovery !!! hey and if we all are we could all meet up ??? ( there is a thought ! )
I have heard so much about your chicken / leek and mushroom pir what was it like ?
We had the full roast beef yorkshire pud ! ( yum )
I have my bloods taken today ready for Wednesday .
MUV70 the nytols do work I nearly always have one otherwise I will wake up at 3 am and shout MORNING ( according to Steve ! ).
Steve’s busiest 2 weeks now .
Can’t believe where the weeks have gone ( since I found out I had this ).
I will write later when I come back from hospital . see ya soon love Caronx

hi Girls

Sorry havn’t been around this weekend - it has been absolutely rubbish. I have realised that it happens every chemo cycle when I start taking the steroids. I get this black cloud come down. I get very emotional and depressed. This weekend I got it into my head that this would be my last christmas. Peters answer that at our age( early 60’s) anyone now could be our last did not help!! I also get very bad night sweats so have had very little sleep When the steroids have finished it will all ease off again. Chemo No.6 later today. Only 2 more to go.

Until recently I used to breed and show Pedigree British Shorthair cats. I gave up but still have 5 that I kept. I know what you mean about colours. Blue is really grey, Lilac is really pale brown with a pinky tinge, and so on.

I hope everything goes well for you girls who are having surgery tomorrow. I will try to write later but am having a problem with this computer. I need my resident IT expert (OH) but he is at work. I will try the laptop

Love for now

Andie xx

Hi girls,
Sorry i wasn’t around yesterday. We went Christmas shopping and I decided to have a day when i tried not to think about BC. Doesn’t work though does it? Seems to be the first thing I think about when I get up and the last thing I think of at night. My arm has been really hurting too…I think to do with the chemo and my “nasty area” has been hurting at night too, plus armpit throbbing…so things trying to constantly remind me after all.

Andie - I get so so depressed too. Real black pit stuff. I have also been talking about my last Christmas and keep upsetting husband. he also says things like "but we could be hit by a lorry next week…thanks husband!!! My little boy keeps telling me he loves me and actually said “Don’t leave me Mummy” yesterday, which broke my heart and made me realise he is hearing too much of my crap!!
When are you taking you steroids? I started taking my afternoon ones slightly earlier to get better sleep and it worked. (I was getting palpitations and night sweats).

My GP called this week and talked about the letter she got which talked about lymph nodes and other nodal involvement, which they haven’t discussed much with me…so i got in a downer too. Sigh! It’s interesting how they still seem to approach things differently. Why do some people have surgery first and some have chemo? Is it because we have big nasties and the chemo is meant to shrink them??

Finished off loads of my work and sent it in. Although was depressed about it last week, I’m quite looking forward to it not hanging over my head anymore and being able to just relax a bit. My little one starts school next Sept, so maybe this is a sign to spend more time with him before he goes!!! See - trying to be positive.

I like the idea of road to recovery too. Never allowed myself to think like that.

Caron - more family stories please… I have such pictures in my mind of your family and I loved the idea of making coffee the night before. Gone off eggs a bit now though!!! EEk!

Good luck with everyone’s hospital visits. Apart from psycho doctor on Thursday (straightjacket - here I come), I have a week free (touchwood) from medical appts… just make up for it next week!!!
Gailxx PS Am having pie cravings!!!

Hi Girls

Back again using the very old computer that I thought had been disconnected. Excuse my spelling - put it down to chemo brain.

Bright I’m sure if they thought you needed extra scans they would have organised them for you. I had a ct, a bone scan and an MRI that fortunately all came back clear. I have spoken to lots of ladies at the hospital who have had no further scans.

Your description of the nightwear is most appealing. I’m sure you will look fine. At this stage comfort is what you are after.
Will they be sending you home with drains in place. Your pie sounds good. I hate cooking. I do cook because we need to eat but I do because I have to not because I want to. I really can’t remember the last time I made a pie. Roasts, grills and casseroles are our main diet because they are easy. With lots of salads in the warmer months.

Muv is it OK to take nytol while you are on chemo - I am very nervous of taking anything in case it reacts with the chemo drugs. I am a great beleiver in Rescue Remedy but don’t even take that at the moment - I suppose I could ask the oncologist although they always seem to err on the side of caution.

Back to the pet report. until this summer we had what was probably one of the largest Old English Sheepdogs on the planet. He weighed in at 8stone and was wonderful. Trained as far as we needed - well he came to his name, sat when instructed and walked on a lead well. that was all we asked from him. We had him for 11 years and when the end came it was like losing a member of the family. Unfortunately he had to be put down while he was in kennels and we were away on holiday. He collapsed (we knew old age was creeping up on him fast but would never have left him had we realised that the end was so near) and they had no alternative. I don’t think we will be having another dog. With cats you can leave them in the care of neighbours if you go away for a few days but dogs are a different story. He was not only our faithful companion but he was also our security - No one in their right mind would break into a house with a dog that size around.

Where the nurse had two attempts at my bloods on friday I have the most spectacular bruise on the back of my hand. I will not be letting her put the canula in there today. I will only produce the other arm.

Off now to load the washing machine with a hope of drying the washing outdoors today. it is at least dry here in London.

Hope all your days go well

Hugs all round

Andie T

Morning ladies…or is it afternoon???

Bright - god luck with the surgery tomorrow and hope you have a speedy recovery.Your night wear sounds fine and comfy.

Gail - some of us have chemo to shrink the nasty before surgery,some just have it whipped out if its a small contained tumour. I think all of us on this thread are having the chemo 1st.

Andie- Thanks for the information on your tumor, it sounds like my story…10cm+ hard, hot IBC mass. Pitted skin and red and inflamed most of the time. The pain is terrible,like toothache in your boob… I take Tramadol now because it hurts so much.
I also have night sweats, i seem to be sweating but my skin is cold and clammy… Is that normal. Also my periods have stopped, i don’t mind though but will that make me go into the menopause early???

caron - Hope your bloods are ok… how you feeling about your short hair now?? getting used to it? Mothers… my mum drove me mad yesterday, worrying… but i had a fab day and they wore me out…I am still in my pjs…So tired but not sick…WHOOP WHOOP…

My 10year old thought he would scrape the windows on the car this morning, it wasn’t that frosty. When he got to the rear window the whole windscreen collapsed!!! Hubby was not impressed…I was still in bed. It wasn’t Ainsleys fault, the window must of had a chip in it or something.
Rang Auto glass and they will repair it tomorrow… I had to laugh though…

I am going for some dinner now,will write back later.


Hi muv70

Good luck with your operation tomorrow, i will be thinking of you and Bright i will be praying you both have a speedy recovery…

Andie - i know what you mean when you let your mind run away with things over the consultants letters. My last letter stated radiotherapy will not treat this kind of cancer.!!! I was horrified, “what did they mean” this type of cancer??? Are they giving up on me???My hubby says i read too much into it…
There are days when i think “why do i bother going on?” My chemo isn’t working and surgery will leave cancer behind, i feel there is no hope left for me and I’m going to die anyway…

I try to think positive though and miracles do happen and i know i have to be strong for my boys and hubby… There are times when i feel like it may be my last Christmas here, there are times when i just sit and cry. I hate feeling like this and want my old life back… as you all do.

Take care girls.


Oh wow I don’t know what I am doing to this pc but everytime I just about finish I hit the wrong button ( I wish I knew what it was ! ) then all my writing has gone !!!
Anyway I will try (yet ) again !
Right I had a lovely visit from mrs clay this morning ( Chloe’s old teacher , she was deputy head ) she came all the way from Derbyshire ( not just to see me her dentist is here too and she had to go there ).
Anyway my day well I have been with my domenerring mother ! all morning ( mind you she was ok really , not as bad as usual ) she just told me " Oh when we finish at the hosp I think we will go into town !! ( ok mother ! ) then so we go into town to buy my dad pressies then she says " oh when you come to my house ( I wasn’t btw ) you go straight in and put ur dad off thinking where I am so I can hide his presents !! .
Anyway when I did go she gave me some cookbooks ( so I’ll let her off ! ).
Then I get my oldest boy ( who I don’t see from one week to the next unless he wants something ! ).
His gf emails me can we come down to see yoy ( like they have asked b4 ( not )thet just turn up )
So then he comes " oh can I borrow some money? "
" Oh yes course you can can " so then he’s off !!
Then he msn’s me " oh were off out tonight "
Oh good I wonder what you really meeded the money for then???
Sorry to moan but it’s just how it is !!!
He even sighed when he saw my hair and said " why did you do that to your hair ! " ( yeah thanks Jam I feel really good ! )

Anyway went for my blood test today wern’t even waiting we went straight in now I am thinking " god I hope my liver test is ok ? ( from drinking too much ??? ))
I am paranoid ( honest ).
I am worried about my CT scan ( as well ! !)

Andie , you can take nytol as well cos it doesn’t interfere with the chemo ( I don’t think nothing would ! ) what I mean is chemo is gonna be stronger than anything you are gonna take prescription wise ,Steve did ask can she ( me ) still take pain killers cos she has a bad back ? ) and she didn’t even ask what they are she said yes ! ).
I need my nytol !!!

Bright I will be thinking of you tomoz ( just think " cut this bloody thing out of me ! ", and you will get through !
come back on here to let us know as soonas you can ( we are your family as well now and we are worried about you ! )
bet you won’t have time to answer now ( you will be getting ready , FINGERS CROSSED FOR YOU < REMEMBER THIS WE ALL HAVE TO DO THIS !!! )
1 4 ALL & ALL 4 ! !!!

Gemdancer I bet it did break your heart , I am upset at some of the things my children have done / or not done ( said )

Oh Shell that was dead funny about Ainley ( I bet his face was a picture when the glass smashed, wish I had seen it ! ( not dad though bet he won’t happy ! )LOL
Please take care !!!

Hi girls,

Muv and Bright - lots of love and luck for your surgery!!! birght - I love the sound of you nightwear. I now buy nightwear I can open the frontdoor in, as I’m never sure if I’m going to face the shower and I have to be able to receive my ebay parcels!! Always best to be prepared!!! Poor hubbie… I was vaguely attarctive 15 years ago. Now I wear frumpy PJs, have frizzy, patchy hair and am blending into the sofa.

Nightsweats are the steroids at work, according to my BC nurse. I now make sure I take my second set at about 1.30pm and I was much better this time. Chemo can stop your periods or just really mess things up. I think there is a chance of early menopause. Sigh!

You all sound like clever cooks. I’m rubbish. I burn toast. Steve is really good at cooking. I tend to make chicken surprise…mince surprise…beef surprise. Steve says the surprise will be if he eats it. But I actually I call it that so i don’t have to commit to what it is at the beginning…that way…I can say it was meant to look like a pile of gunge. Even kai looks nervous when I cook!! Not helped by the quantity of wine I like to sup when in the kitchen…or did…sigh! Do any of you still have a drink on chemo??


well me ( again)
just updating !
well I was pi**ed off with Jamie and his girlfriend for conning me (yet again ! ) with money so I was sending him a message onmsn asking why didn’t he just ask me for money if he wanted to go out tonight ! anyway his gf signed in onhis msn and she sais tell me & I said " no I will send him a email " so she say’s tell me I will tell him !
So I say’s " well I am not happy that Jay lied to me about money ( he told me he needed it for the bank as he was overdrawn ,( what a sucker I am ! )) and I said then I find out that your going out tonight !!! (((( with my money no doubt !!! ))) ( I didn’t say that to her . but she knew what I was getting at).
And I said " it pi**ed me off also that when u found out i had cancer that you went home from work ( she went home because she was upset over me ( that;s what she told her bosses ) only she never actually came to see ME !!( infact I have only seen her once since I have found out ( a month now ! ))
I have no doubt that Jamie is upset but to use this awful disease to get time with his gf just doesn’t seem right !!!.
If they had shown concern and come to see me and asked me how I was ( well it would be more believable !)
I might seem callous and all that but when I am not here he will regret how he has treated me???
God I am such a moaning cow !! I was even crying when I was typing to her !! ( I just wish she / they wouldn’t lie to me, but all he’s wanted off me/us is money !
Its like one way traffic !! ( I give he takes !!! )
I thought he would have said something at least 1/2 decent about my hair !!! instead all I got was WHY YOU DONE THAT TO UR HAIR !!!


Sorry 4 keep moaning I seem to be the only person who is saying how their family have reacted ( mind you saying that Jamie has always done his oen thing ! )
sorry all my writings are so long !!!

Caron - don’t let them upset you!!! You need to keep strong. People have their own way of dealing with stuff. BC is so scary for us, but I know from my own experience (Mum…no longer here) that it is terrifying to be on the sidelines too. Hy hubbie won’t talk about it much anymore. the day i was diagnosed, he was in tears, but now he has gone back to strong and silent. I know it’s his way, but sometimes you just really want to talk! When i tried my wigs on, he looked vaguely amused and I nearly strangled him with them!!! I bet your gang are much more upset than you know and some of this attitude is their way of dealing. It’s their defence! Seeing your hair will have been a real reminder of what is going on. It will have made it very very real. This is major major stuff and it’s just too hard!! It’s easier not to tlak about it! And…of course…men…do they ever really show their feelings (gay ones don’t count!).
Many many hugs… Gailxxxxxxxxxxxx