hair loss

I’m on day 19 and started losing down below yesterday, as well as a small amount around by the ears, which was probably not under the freezer cap. Thought things were looking promising.

Today I have strands coming off when I touch the top or back. I’d like to think it’s just thinning but I have started to shop for beanie hats online… and my almost 5yo has been told the “Hair today, gone tomorrow” joke is no longer funny.


Hello to everyone who is currently experiencing hair loss - isn’t it just adding insult to injury! Several people have asked about when hair grows back, and as I am now a bit further down the line I thought I would tell you my experience.

I lost all my hair 3 weeks after my first Epirubicin, including eyebrows, eyelashes and all the rest, and found it incredibly difficult to get used to it. However, I had my fourth Epi on 18th December, and to my relief, I noticed a ‘6 ‘o’ clock shadow’ all over my head on 2nd January, the same day I had my first CMF treatment. The hair continued to grow slowly but steadily from then on and now, 6 months later, it is very thick and about 3 inches long. It has grown back grey - I was previously a dark brunette - but I am using gel to spike it up a bit and that makes it look quite funky.

It is really, really awful when your hair falls out, and you do all have my sympathy, but hang on in there and with luck it won’t be too long before it starts to grow back. And believe me, it is wonderful when you can fluff it up and feel a bit more feminine again.

Good luck!

MY head is starting to get a bit sore, I’m 14 days post FEC, and down below is shedding. I think the stuff on the bonce will start going tomorrow.


My hair started to come out on day 20 and is really getting quite thin on top now. But it is still really sore, so much so that it is quite difficult to sleep. Has anyone any ideas?

Good luck


Hi Fuschia

Lost most of my head hair last night, 17 days after first FEC, I was absolutely hysterical last night, fine today. Looking for a wig tomorrow, and am relatively relieved its going now, no more itching! Let me know how it goes, am online if you need to chat.

Cecelia. x

HI Cecilia

The best thing is wait for it…I have a really posh wedding to go to on Saturday, and I will be half bald at least by then. These things come to try us !!!


Ah it’s just not fair is it? I bought a couple of wigs today and a pre-tied scarf which is actually very nice. I went to Trendco who are amazing. They have shops here in London and in some other parts of the country.
You can buy a lovely hat for the wedding and no one will ever know!
Enjoy it and take care
Cecelia. x