Happy holidays!

For those that may remember me…my mastectomy, and following axillary clearance…my U2 Concerts, and holiday to Turkey…well I have just got back from my second trip to Turkey…YES!! twice is as many months!!!..Life is for living after all! I am still struggling a bit with what has happened, and I am not sure where life will take me next, but ladies…you have one life…LIVE IT!!! Much love to all of you out there…xxxxx

Well said!

I am planning all sorts of stuff now - live in the moment.


Hear Hear! We can waste so much of today by worring about tomorrow so better to go for it! xxxxxxxx

Great to hear this and 100% agree!!!

So great to see a post from you ? not seen one for a while but then we just may not have been in the same place lol and go you x
So glad you are enjoying life after all it’s what it’s for xxx