Has anyone got any advice about wigs?

In a fit of panic when I was first diagnosed I bought three, yes that’s three, wigs on ebay. Each one was worse than the last. I was getting in a tiz. Then I took my voucher and went to the wig shop and got what I think is a really, really cute wig for free. The wig lady was fabulous, and to my surprise I had a lot fun. I was happy with mine, and didn’t have any problems. I was glad I got it beforehand, 'cause, like some of the others said, it made me feel more in control.

My sister and I laughed that we were turning breast cancer into a shopping opportunity, but I did buy scarves, wigs and hats and never regretted it (except the sight-unseen ebay ones!). They did help lighten the fear and make me feel better about myself.
Because I worked during my chemo when I could, and didn’t want to sport the ‘cancer look’ I wore it alot, although at home I never wore ‘Audrey’, instead a buff was my headgear of choice.


Yes. I had a problem with keeping my wig when walking or doing sport and I also get really hot and sweaty. So I found this company called kool-kaps.co.uk

They make this amazing cap which is worn on my head un der my wig.

So I got one and it is amazing.

I do a lot of sport and so get really sweaty so my wig smells.But now with this Kool Kap, my wig is really secure and my scalp is dry and my wig doesn’t smell.

I also noticed that my scalp isn’t itchy anymore.

That’s what I call…a result!!