Has anyone had an Implantable Port?

Hello everyone.

I hady port fitted yesterday after my White cell count went up from
.1 to 15 after five lots of injections.

The port is sore and painful but I am taking paracetamal. My neck is slight tight where the cathetar is and I hoping this will all wear off over the next day or two.

It is a relief to know that they don’t have to use my veins anymore. My hand is still swolllen from where they took blood two days ago.

Hope everyone’s okay. Have a good weekend.

Hi Mnc

At least it is done now, I do remember well how uncomfortable I was for a few days after mine was fitted, so bear with it, it will get easier for you hopefully.

There is me, hoping to get rid of mine asap and there is you relieved that you’ve had one fitted - it just shows how we go through the different parts of treatment doesn’t it.

Take care

Hi all

I havent heard of a port before. I was on chemo last year and had a picc line fitted which was fine but a bit of a pain for showering and bathing etc and couldnt go swimming. Have to start chemo again next week and asked if I would have a picc line again which they said probably. Might be better having one of the ports though from the sound of it. Do you need to keep it covered when showering etc and can you go swimming with it?


I had a port for my chemo last year - had it put in pretty much a year ago and it was taken out a couple of weeks ago. They are really great, no you don’t have to worry about keeping it covered as it’s sited completely under your skin so it wouldn’t stop you swimming. I swam with mine (although not in public pools but only due to infection risk with the compromised immune system rather than because of the port).

Once in (I had mine done under light sedation) and settled they are so much better than all the fiddling about for veins. If I had to have chemo again I’d definitely want a port.

Hello Rawlie
I too am in France and have a port and after the last Tax my port felt uncomfortable, more so than on previous ‘cures’. Did you have anything like that? Did you talk to onc about it?
Have my last Tax on Monday 15th. Have to say the nurse was a bit more brutal than previous ones. And there was a slight swelling.
I too have an dull ache when I have been overdoing things with that arm, or held it in an awkward position. I do sewing (quilting) and have to rest regularly.
All said I would rather this than fight for veins!

Hi Everyone

As you know we all have Ports fitted and my new port fitted about three weeks ago is great. However, I have just noticed that where the cathetar is buried under the skin near my neck, the skin is turning yellow, almost as if it is bruised.

Any ideas?
