Has anyone had double recon at same time - can it be done?

Hi there,

Having had bc in both breast now… just finished RT to right breast, treatment to left breast was 9 years ago. Am now going through the referral to PS so disucss mast and recon, due to having BRCA1.

I know i will have to wait for a year for any further surgery right breast due to recent RT. Has anyone had double mast and recon at the same time, or will it be a case of doing the left breast 1st?

I would really appreciate any advise.

Many thanks

Hi Wendy2122

I had a double mastectomy and immediate tissue expander reconstruction last Wednesday. I’m still sore and tight and feeling like I have balls of socks under my arms, but I survived it and am glad I went ahead with it - the laternative isn’t really an option.

Speak to your consultant about your options - it may be an option for you to wait until both breasts can be done at the same time - then you only have only phase of recovery instead of two…

Poannie xx

Yes, I have had a double mast + immediate implant only recon so it can definitely be done. Good luck with your treatment :slight_smile:

Hi Wendy 2122

I had a bilateral mastectomy last Aug, couldn’t have immediate recon as at the time they were unsure if I would need chemo or rads. Fortunately I didn’t need either, on tamoxifen and Zoladene injections had bilateral recon in May this year using the back skin and muscle with implant and I’m really pleased with the results.

A friend of mine had single mast plus chemo and rads also last year and because she is so young (27) and family history she is having her other breast removed, ideally she wanted the other breast removed with bilateral recon but surgeon didn’t advise it as she needed to wait so long after having rads, so she has had one breast removed and recon and will have other breast reconstructed next year.

I think alot depends on how your surgeon feels about doing the op, it is a big one so you obviously need to talk through your options with him/her.

Hope all goes well and you get the result you want

Take care

Kaz, Darkfairy and Poannie,

Thank you for sharing your experiences, its nice to know that various options are open and as you say Poannie, you have survived, well done to you all. Have got appt to see geneticist on Tuesday… so will see what the stats say re poss return and what the future holds… i hope he has his crystall ball well polished!!

take care all
