I had a lumpectomy in February which resulted in a large haematoma, very painful but not desparately important in the scale if things. But I was due to start radiotherapy 2 weeks ago (for boring reasons, they’re doing this ahead of chemo) only to have it postponed for 3 weeks because the haematoma is breaking down and the resultant fluid has opened up the scar a little bit. The consultants said that once they started treatment, healing wouldnt happen and I’d be left with an open wound for several months. They drew off as much of the fluid as they could but since then, I’m still leaking like a tap - started using breast pads again quite like the old breast-feeding days. I’m getting a bit alarmed because I first discovered the lump in January and it’s now April and apart from removing the lump - grade 3 with rogue cells in surrounding tissue though no lymph node involvement- I havent had any other treatment. I’m told haematoma can take months to dissolve. I’m worried about how long this is all going on for. Anybody any experience with this?
Dear lilian1744
I’m sorry to read you are worried in your delay in treatment, you are welcome to email our team of specialist nurses via our ‘Ask the nurse’ service for advice, you can find this service under the ‘Support for you’ tab at the top of this page, alternatively, you can call our helpline on 0808 800 6000 which open again in the morning from 9am until 5pm.
Best wishes
I developed an infection in the breast after quadrantectomy surgery. I was given antibiotics seven times a day for seven days which didn’t work so eventually I had a hole made in the side of my breast. Then fluid seeped out of the hole, and they put this strange gel tape in the hole once a day until it healed in about a month. The scar looks crap now but it has filled up. My radiotherapy was delayed for months as a result. Personally I would rather have not waited but radiotherapy stops wounds healing so not much option
I’m in this boat as well. I had a mastectomy and the wound burst open after 10 days. I was readmitted to hospital and they reopened the wound to let all the gunk drain out. It was then found that I still had a momento of the surgery as they had left a swab in me which was the cause of the problems. After that was found I was stitched up again and went home after a couple of days. My chemo has been delayed because of all this, and it worries me because I had heavy node involvement. I now have two scars and the area is really concave and horrible and I can still hardly bear to look at it and still wear a dressing over it even though I don’t need one.