Have we got the right location for tissue sample for biopsy?

Waiting for biopsy results due Weds and my mind is going a bit stir crazy!
When I had the core biopsy done last week the doctor took about 5 samples of tissue. He found it hard to do as he said the lump kept moving. Sent me back for more mammograms with needle in place from ultrasound identifying site of lump. Then took more biopsies guided again by ultrasound and said “I hope I have got it now”. I am worried when I get the results if he might have not got the right tissues. The lump from ultrasound suggestes it is 1.5 cms so not sure if they would remove it whatever the outcome of the results. Can anyone help with this from your won experiences?

Lumps that move about-- I think that sounds like a good sign. You must be going frantic though, waiting is the worst. All sorts of possibilites racing through your mind.

it might very well be that even if its a benign lump they will decide to have it out, and you might decide thats best for your peace of mind. otherwise you might be always wondering if it getting bigger, or wondering if they made a mistake. I think they also worry that in future a dense lump like that can hide other problems that might be lurking in the breast.

all the very best on wednesday, try and keep sane till then. Let us know how you get on.

Thanks so much for that. Maybe tonight I might get some sleep. You have been an enormous support. Can’t believe I work in mental health and can be so supportive and nurturing of my clients, but when the tables turn, so to speak, I find myself in this place where I trully think I am going quite crazy.
One good thing that has come out of this is I will now know from personal experience what it feels like to be in that waiting room where the clock seems to have stopped. I don’t think if anyone had tried to explain to me the enormity of emotions before I would have been able to grasp any of it.
I will be thinking of you too and wishing you a steady journey ahead.