Booked a place on the Younger Women’s Forum but worried about going alone?
Considering booking a place but not sure?
Every year we receive queries from women, including concerns about coming along to the Forum on their own. Feedback from previous forums has said how helpful it was to talk on the Forums before the event.
This thread is a chance for you to say hello and “meet” others attending the Forum. I will check in regularly and if you have any questions do let me know and I will do my best to answer them.
Look forward to meeting you in November.
Hi, I’m signed up for the Brighton forum and look forward to meeting everyone there. Thanks Steph for setting up this thread. I’m a 36 yo single mum just finished treatment for grade 3 stage 3 bc. not yet back at work but having to soon for financial reasons. I live in West Sussex so not travelling too far
Hi I am also signed up for the Brighton forum. I am 40 years old live near Kingston. i was diagnosed with stage 2 BC in March this year. - big shock as GP found the lump not me!
There is no history of BC in the family but one cousin had Ovarian Cancer at 40. I am booked in to have my ovaries and Fallopian tubes out next Wednesday so am hoping to be on the road to recovery very soon! Having been on Zoladex and Tamoxifen I am already experiencing the delights of the menopause!!
looking forward to meeting people in a similar situation to me!
Hi. I’m booked into the Brighton course. I was diagnosed with stage 2 BC in Nov 2009. I was 34 when diagnosed. 2 weeks later after diagnosis I found out I was pregnant with my first child. Would love to meet or know if anyone was pregnant during treatment. I’m lookinf forward to share experiences.
I am booked to go to Brighton. Currently undergoing chemo - third one due today! I am 40, married with no children, live in Tottenham. Looking forward to meeting people and sharing stories.
Am signed up for the Brighton forum. Will be travelling down from SE London.
I’m 40 (but only by a few days!!) and was diagnosed with grade 3 tumour in August whilst 38 weeks pregnant with my third child.
Currently undergoing chemo - just had dose no 3 - with surgery and radiotherapy due next year.
Looking forward to sharing experiences - especially with other women who are also combining the challenges of cancer treatment and young children - as well as having a good moan about BC!
Just wanted to urge anyone umming and ahing about this to GO! I went on the Younger Women’s Forum in London last year and it was a massive turning point for me. The seminars on fertility and reconstruction were the most relevant for me, but I also learnt alot from the other seminars and exercises - not only about breast cancer but also about ME. The 2 days are run brilliantly and accommodation and food are provided. For me, it was most useful to meet other young women going through the same thing as me - and many who are out the other side. My friends are awesome, but are all getting married andhaving babies and just didn’t ‘get’ what I was going through - nor did I want to be that friend that’s full of doom and gloom by always talking about my cancer with them. I was only 5 weeks post diagnosis and had had 2 chemo treatments, but the other girls were at all different stages of the treatment process - including a year or 2 post diagnosis. It was the first time I had laughed since I was diagnosed, I left feeling stronger, more in control, more positive about the future and have made some brilliant friends.
Oh, and I live in Brighton and it’s a great seaside town to spend a couple of days in!! Added bonus!
PS Sorry for typos. Not sure what’s wrong with my iPhone but seems hell bent on predicting the wrong words…
Hi Sandytoes
I live in Hove and would really like to go, but I turned 46 in Augustand was diagnosed 3 years ago in July so dont fit the criteria.
I guess I’m no longer classed as a younger woman.
Big hugs to all
Stella X
I am interested, but what if I find I am not well when it comes to that weekend? I have had one lot of chemo, will have had the second by then and I have got no idea how I will react.
Hi I am originally from Brighton but now live in Manchester. However I need the support now so have decided to come to this forum. I missed the Liverpool one as I’d just had my first lot of chemo. I’ll be in my 3rdweek so should be feeling ok to travel down.
Is anyone else going from Manchester area? Would be great to find out.
I’m looking forward to it. See you all there.
Hi all
I was diagnosed with grade 3 spread to lymph nodes in March. I have had FEC-T chemo and mastectomy with removal of lymph nodes. I am currently on Herceptin and Tamoxifen and waiting for a reconstruction.
I look forward to meeting you all in Brighton.