Having a major wobble

Hi Horsemad
I have just had my mastectomy 3 weeks ago and didn’t have recon, my choice after having lengthy chat with the plastic surgeon at another hospital, and coming home armed with all the relavent info I decided to wait and become “cancer free” and then get back to “normal” weight and mind set before going and having the “make over” of recon, reduction and tummy tuck,
for me it just wasn’t the right time I have just finished 6 months of chemo, and like a lot of others have said at the moment its all about being free,
You just take your time no-one can force you to make a decision, I was lucky my BCN got me an appointment within days to chat with plastic team, and the plastic surgeon spent nearly and hour going over all my fears and concerns then she put me intouch with the plastic nurse who gave me a number to ring if I had any further question before I made up my mind.
Also waking up after the operation was not as scary as I thougth it would be, and I have to say I am comfortable with my body.
Make the decision that right for you

Hi Horsemad…just wondering how you’re doing??

Me too!! hope all is well - please update us
Clarabelle x

Posted on another thread. Op planned for tomorrow, totally terrified, think I will wimp out at last moment,. Keep standing in front of mirror flattening breast down to get effect.
WIsh Id opted for immediae recon now.

you don’t have to go ahead with the operation if you don’t want to - it’s not being a wimp to change your mind. I wish I had - I felt I was pushed into it without giving my informed consent and I still regret it now. I would much preferred to get a second opinion and not gone ahead with it without due consideration of the pros and cons.

I’m five years down the line and I think you should talk to some surgeons. You could still have immediate reconstruction if you waited a bit and found a surgeon who does it.


Hi Horsemad,
hope you are ok - did you go ahead in the end? - if so I hope you are feelig ok with things.
Thinking of you
Clarabelle x

Hi Clarabelle
just posting a link which will probably answer your question
m x


Thanks Magsi DOH! I didnt see that post!
Clarabelle x