Having a wave pool moment

I’m three weeks into a four week wait from GP to breast clinic and having “a moment” tonight where the positivity mask has well and truly slipped. Back to the fear and terror and despite best efforts, can’t shift it and feel dreadful and dreadfully guilty as not even diagnosed yet (although gut feeling is not good). Best way of describing it is like being in one of those wave pools at the deep end, mis timing the jumps, waves crashing over and around with that horrible echoey noise you get under water when you hear everybody shouting round about you. Feel like I can’t just get to the surface to get out. The fear of the what ifs combined with the hospital phobia (in my madder moments I’m not going but I know I have to make myself) is making it a tough night. Tried to call hospital for earlier cancellation (no chance) or to get advice on phobia (clerical staff, not able to get a medic to the phone…discuss when you come etc etc even though I’m telling them I’m struggling to come). Argh!

Hi LSM, sounds like you need to get someone to frog march you there! You’ve had a really long wait, so it’s not surprising that you’re having a wobble.  Hope you feel better in the morning.

Hope you get back in the shallow end soon. My experience of the breast screening was that they are all very lovely. Make sure the person who is accompanying you knows all of the questions you want to ask. I forgot all of mine but luckily the hubby remembered. Also wear a non wired well fitting bra just incase they do a biopsy there and then like mine. I wore an underwired and was quite uncomfortable until I got into a nice support bra. Best of luck x


I’m also 3 weeks wait and have another 2 weeks to go. And fed up with it.

My symptoms seem to have gone though which is good news.

I hope you find the strength it is so stressful but you have got over the worst wait so hang on in there.

Confide in one of your friends if you are able , but I know I don’t really want to discuss it as I feel as though I could be upsetting everyone if it’s a negative. It’s different to know what to do for the best .

But the support on this forum is fabulous.

Stay strong and positive, I hope you are feeling better today x

Belle x