
Hi All
I’ve been having daily headaches since I started chemo and wondered if anyone else has? Tends to start late afternoon/early evening.

Not sure if it is the FEC or the Zoladex causing it.

I’ve been doing a temp check and then having paracetamol, but would like to know what is causing it and whether there is anything else I can do? Also wanted to know if others are getting them on such a regular basis?

Cheers me dears
Flora xxx

Hi Flora,
Ive been getting bad headaches too. They seemed to arrive with the sore mouth,throat and tongue days - about day 6 of FEC cycle and last for about 2 or 3 days. Nurse originally told me only to take paracetomol but that didnt even touch them. Oncologist said there was no reason not to take ibuprofen so took neurofen for a couple of days this time round - and they really took the edge of it. No temperature but think you should probably take your temp before popping anything just in case you do have one and they lower it!
Day 13 of 2nd FEC - onwards and upwards!
karen xx

hi flora,
i’ve also been suffering headaches whilst on CMF - it feels like brainfreeze and occurs right above my eyes. I mentioned it to onc and they arent overly concerned and just advised to take paracetamol after checking temp.

Thanks both.
I don’t suppose there is much I can do about it, but it does still make me feel better to know I am not alone IYKWIM!!!

I always check temp before popping any paracetamol, just in case, but it really is just a sore head (and a tickly cough which I’ve had for over a week now). I’ve never found ibuprofen do anything for my headaches in the past, so I tend not to bother with it, but maybe together with paracetamol…

Hope yours both get better soon.

hi, i was getting headaches on the EC and when i mentioned it to the chemo nurse she said that it was the cyclophosphamide part of it. She said it effects the sinus’. What she did do was infuse it more slowly as she said that helps. I didnt get any headaches after that with the EC. I have done recently but i think thats down to the bone marrow boosting injection as my back and head throbbing in rhythm. Im sure too that you are drinking plenty of water.
take care

I had really bad headaches when I started on Zoladex (didn’t have chemotherapy) and worked my way through various different painkillers at my local pharmacy. The only ones that did the trick were Paramol. The headaches wore off (as my oncologist had predicted) after a month or two. Looking back, they were very hormonal, migraine-style headaches that I assume came from the sudden Zoladex menopause.