I’ve heard of this american system…hair replacement device… one can wear whilst sleeping, swimming etc; Anyone got one ? What do you think of it? Now that warmer weather should be upon us Any suggestions for coping with head coverings would ba great help for us chemo newbies.
Hi Coleen,
I had an assortment of scarfs. The best ones were brightly coloured cotton ones worn in a bandanna style.
Square ones are best folded into a large triangle and the 2 longests ends tied around your head and the back bit tucked in. My Nanna ( 94) gave me loads of silky ones but they came undone all the time or slipped off. Lots of people wear caps but I dont suit them. I lost my hair last Sept and from Nov onwards wore a lovely collection of wooley hats. I only wore my wig on special occasions( wasnt too keen ). I have only recently bared my 1 inch crop and my sadness at losing my hair seems a distant memory. Your hair starts growing again before you finish your chemo believe it or not so stick in there.
Best of luck with everything
love Andrea x
Even with taxotere Andrea?
Peacock, I finished my chemo last November. I had 4 x FEC and lost my hair after the first one. I then had 4 x taxotere and my hair started to grow back whilst I was on it. It was grey and patchy and first but it was hair!
Almost a year on and I have a head full of curly hair (it was straight before), and have recently had it cut for the third time.
peacock - are you using cold cap (sorry can’t remember from you other posts)
I heard tax was really responsive to cold cap, but then we hear so many different angles from different people it’s so confoooooosing!
Then there me ! Taxatere and no hair forever!!! so i am told.Still waiting nearly 3 years later. Cold cap is supposed to be a waste of time with tax.